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Q: Can we use Clarithromycin to cure middle ear infections?
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What causes acute infection of the middle ear?

Infections in the middle ear can sometimes spread through the mastoid bone.

What is the relationship between the middle ear and ear infections?

Researchers at the University of Arizona reported in 1993 that infants who had been breastfed exclusively for at least four months had significantly fewer middle ear infections as toddlers.

Swimming is a common cause of middle-ear infections?


Why do cleft palates cause ear infections?

The infections occur because the muscles of the palate do not open the Eustachian tubes that drain the middle ear

What is the term for an infection of the middle ear caused by a bacteria or virus?

Otitis media is the term used for an infection of the middle ear. Oti- means ear; -tis means inflammation and med- means middle. This infection occurs between the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and the inner ear. Either bacterial infections, which include Staph, or viral infections, due to Influenza, are causes. Fungal infections also occur.

Does Pneumonia Cause Middle Ear Infections?

No.If you have doubts consult yourdoctor.

Can ear infection spread to bones?

Absolutely! Mastoiditis is an inflammation of the mastoid bone directly caused by infections of the middle ear.

What is middle ear cleft?

The middle ear cleft is the space within the middle ear that includes the eardrum, the middle ear cavity, and the three small bones known as the ossicles. It is responsible for transmitting sound vibrations from the outer ear to the inner ear. The middle ear cleft is important for normal hearing and is often affected by conditions such as ear infections or tumors.

In what part of the ear do most infections occur?

There are three spots it can occur. Outer, middle, and inner. The most common is the middle.

How do you cure ear infections?

I had one myself, go to the doctors; they'll give u antibiotics. Should heal up soon after

How can mastoiditis be prevented?

Prevention of mastoiditis involves careful and complete treatment of any middle ear infections.

How do you check for ear infection?

Signs of general infection apply such as pain, swelling, redness, discharge. Ear infections can be classified according to whether they involve the innerear, middle ear or outer ear. Inner ear infections typically cause dizziness, vertigo and nausea. Middle ear infections can cause hearing difficulty, whereas outer ear infections are typically painful. Try waggling the outer ear, if there is an established infection of the ear canal movement will be extremely painful.