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Yes, it is clear to me that marijuana can positively reduce both the social anxiety and the strange sense of having an empathy deficit and lack of emotional intelligence. Hey... we really are all connected... !

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15y ago
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12y ago

No. You are either diagnosed with it at birth or you don't have it.

But if you smoke while pregnant, you could be putting your baby in danger. I have three friends who smoked cannabis either for years before being pregnant or during pregnancy and all three had children with Asperger's Syndrome. It isn't a research study, by any means - but it is 3 for 3 in terms of people I know who had smoked cannabis regularly.

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7y ago

No, heritability is believed to contribute about 90% of the risk of a child developing autism. It is something you're born with.

There do not seem to be any significant studies yet that have investigated any possible links between autism and cannabis but based on what is currently known about autism it seems unlikely to be related.

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12y ago

There is evidence that autistic spectrum disorders are effectively treated with the use of medicinal marijuana. It is argued that medicinal marijuana has a greater positive effect than any of the common prescription medications, in fact. Further study is needed, but popular opinion supports the theory.

Whether it makes someone "more social" is a broad topic and not easily answered. We do know that medicinal marijuana can reduce the anxiety suffered by those with autistic spectrum disorders, thus making it easier to feel more comfortable in social situations.

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11y ago

The effects should be the same for a person with AS or not.

Some people with AS are hypersensitive in emotion or senses, so cannibis may have a stronger effect on those individuals but not all.

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8y ago

No, smoking cannabis cannot cause autism.

A person is born Autistic, it is a result of genes and they become Autistic when the brain is developed during the second trimester. Nothing you do after birth can cause you to become autistic if you were born neurotypical, smoking cannabis cannot change the entire structure of your brain.

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13y ago

It's a dangerous combination that makes problems worse.

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Q: Can weed make someone with autism more social?
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What can people do to address the issue of autism?

ask a friend or someone with knowledge on the subject to get them to someone who can not stop autism but make the autistic person more nice to be with.

What are signs of moderate autism?

There is no such thing as 'moderate autism'. A person is either autistic or they are not, how they are affected can vary but they cannot have 'moderate autism' as this is just not how autism works.

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No one has 'recovered' from Autism because Autism isn't something that happens to someone or something that can be recovered from. Autism is a neurological difference, you can no more recover from being Autistic than you can recover from being an African-American.

Does autism make you lose your hair?

No, Autism doesn't make you lose your hair - how could it? Autism is a neurological variation, it's no more likely to cause hair loss than any other neurological variation.

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There are more than 3 behaviors that can indicate autism. It is widely accepted that the symptoms of autism fall into 3 areas: social, language, and psycho/motor. Please use the following link to the reputable and reliable Mayo Clinic autism information.

Does a person with Asperger's Syndrome qualify for social security disability benefits?

that is likely a yes since there are usually more limited to the types of work they can do, mostly social and physical. Plus the developmental delays in autism can make it difficult for holding a job.

Why is it important to create opportunities for Adult Autism Adventures?

Creating opportunities for Adult Autism Adventures is important because it can help individuals with autism to overcome the challenges they face and lead fulfilling lives. Many individuals with autism have difficulties with social interaction and communication, which can make it difficult for them to participate in traditional social activities. This can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion, which can have a negative impact on their mental health and well-being. By providing opportunities for Adult Autism Adventures, individuals with autism can engage in activities that are tailored to their needs and interests. This can help them to develop social skills, build confidence, and make new connections with others who share their interests. It can also help them to explore new hobbies and interests, which can be enriching and fulfilling. Moreover, participating in Adult Autism Adventures can provide a sense of community and belonging for individuals with autism. They can connect with others who understand their experiences and challenges, which can be a powerful source of support and comfort. It can also help them to develop a positive sense of identity as an individual with autism, which can be empowering. Creating opportunities for Adult Autism Adventures can also benefit the wider community. It can raise awareness and understanding of autism, promote acceptance and inclusion, and foster a more compassionate and supportive society. It can also help to break down stereotypes and stigma surrounding autism, which can create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals with autism. In summary, creating opportunities for Adult Autism Adventures is crucial for promoting inclusivity, understanding, and support for individuals with autism. By providing tailored opportunities for engagement and connection, we can help individuals with autism to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives, and contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive society.

Can autism be passed on to someone else?

Autism is not a disease or a virus, it cannot be passed onto someone else in the same way, Autism is a variant in neurology so it is 'passed on' in the same way as other human variations such as skin colour, or hair colour. Autism can be passed on through genetics, an Autistic person or couple are more likely to have Autistic children than Neurotypical parents.

How much does society know about autism?

48% of people in north America know about autism

Would a child have autism if she does not walk before she is 14 months?

Not necessarily, autism is a lot more than developmental delays and typically when we talk of developmental delays with Autism we're talking about social and communication delays. If a child were not walking when they were expected to it could be due to any number of things.

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Although Autism is rarer than Neurotypical neurology, Autism doesn't make people unique, no more than any other neurology. People are unique because people are unique: everyone is different, it's the same regardless of neurology.

How do you make someone more social or open?

To make someone more open, you must be as open with them as you would want them to be. Also, be nice and helpful to them and reassure them that if they need help with anything or ever want to talk about anything at all, that you will be there.