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Many people hold their breath and then breath out quickly, forcibly and audibly. They keep repeating it often. They are trying to control obsessions.


Obsessions are meaningless, purposeless, repetitive and uncontrollable thoughts that keeps entering our conscious mind automatically.

Compulsions, meaningless, purposeless, repetitive and uncontrollable actions.


Extending in the mid line from a point above our Adams apple to the back of our chin is a pair of thin long muscles called Geniohyoid.

Ir the muscle isometrically contracts (hardens) towards its rear end we would be using our mind.

If the muscle hardens towards the front end of the muscle, we would be using our body.


If we keep the rear end of the muscles hard, then no thought can enter our conscious mind. However, that would arrest our breathing. Therefore, we should select a tone that blocks our obsessions and at the same time allows us to breathe. We can make it harden and soften at high speed. However, that requires some practice.


We can abolish our compulsions in a similar way, by partially hardening the front end of the muscle Geniohyoid.


By hardening both the ends alternately at high speed we can abolish obsessive compulsive neurosis.

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