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I wouldn't, unless it's specifically designed for cats.


There is another, more serious reason why not to soak dry cat food into ANY liquid for any amount of time: Believe it or not, bacteria can still be found in dry food as even the rigorous cooking process doesn't, more often than not, kill it all off. Soaking the food in water or broth encourages the bacteria to grow - which could be incredibly dangerous for the cats as this could lead to serious food poisoning from the bacteria. If you must soften the biscuits, don't leave them out for any more than 20 minutes - but if you wanted to feed soft food it would be highly advisable just to feed them a high-meat wet food instead.

Homemade chicken broth, as long as there is no added salt or any other flavourings, is just fine for the cat in tiny doses. Adding a small amount of chicken broth to the cat's water will entice it to drink more, especially if it is feeling poorly.

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Q: Can you add chicken broth to dry cat food?
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How do you make cat food jelly and gravy?

Make 3 cups chicken broth, add 4.5tbsp flour and mix together. Heat until thick and creamy, add 1/4 cup carrots and 3/4 cup minced meat and allow to set.

What should I feed a hurt bird injured by my cat?

Chicken based canned cat food with a stir stick.

Can roosters eat cat food?

Our rooster eats cat food when he gets a chance and seems healthy. Though not a balanced food for a chicken a bit now and then will probably not hurt them.

Is it OK to add water to iams intestional plus cat food?

Only if the instructions on the Iams cat food packet tells you to add water. Usually dry cat foods are served dry and the cat is given a separate bowl of water with its meal.

Is it safe to feed your cat real chicken not cat food?

Can a cat eat cooked chicken as a treat? Yes. Should a cat eat cooked chicken? If it was for a treat, yes. As part of the cat's main diet, no, definitely not. Cooked meat hasn't got any of the nutrients a cat requires. Good, high quality cat food has plenty of meat and added supplements to give a cat all it needs. Raw meat contains many nutrients for a cat, but such a diet needs to be carefully planned and must also consist of organs and bone for a raw diet to be nutritionally complete and balanced. First of all giving cats certain homemade food from time to time like roasted chicken is not a substitute for a carefully balanced diet. Second of all claiming that cooked meal has no nutritional value for cats is not true. Cooked chicken has plenty of protein, vitamin-A, & other enzymes that are not easily destroyed during the cooking process. Standard canned cat food is cooked and not raw. You just cannot start feeding your cats raw diet food out of the blue when they've been fed cooked can food or dry food most of their life's. They are pets & not wild animals that are living on prey. They don't have the proper immune system to deal with many bacteria like salmonella present in raw meat like chicken. Most important is to give them quality wet food with little or no filers or unnecessary garbage. And yes, you have to be willing to spend money on your babes and buy the best food money can buy. Providing your cat with high end food, proper litter, health insurance will run you about $100.00/month. What you will get in return is priceless!

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What is the best food to cook for older cat's health?

Rice and chicken broth.

How do you make cat food jelly and gravy?

Make 3 cups chicken broth, add 4.5tbsp flour and mix together. Heat until thick and creamy, add 1/4 cup carrots and 3/4 cup minced meat and allow to set.

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usually, a cat eats cat food, chicken bones, and mice. for more food, go to an informational cat website

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yes, like tuna or salmon

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Chickens cannot vomit - however, if you give a chicken too much cat food, it will make them sick.

What should I feed a hurt bird injured by my cat?

Chicken based canned cat food with a stir stick.

Can roosters eat cat food?

Our rooster eats cat food when he gets a chance and seems healthy. Though not a balanced food for a chicken a bit now and then will probably not hurt them.

What foods do cats eat besides cat food?

Cats eat lot's of food including dry cat food, wet cat food, mice, catnip and lot's more. They often eat their pray and meat such as chicken.

Is it OK to add water to iams intestional plus cat food?

Only if the instructions on the Iams cat food packet tells you to add water. Usually dry cat foods are served dry and the cat is given a separate bowl of water with its meal.

What do cats eat that is not chicken or milk tuna or cat food?

could be beef or pork

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my cat eats chicken yes it is a good name for a cat that eat chicken