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sure....the child might really need a dad

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Q: Can you adopt a deceased child?
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Process to adopt a child?

Tell me the process of adopting a child not yours in a marriage. The biological father is deceased.

Does rosalie and Emmett adopt a child?

Rosalie and Emmett do not adopt a child

Is it easier to adopt a child from china or the US?

It is easier to adopt a child in the US.

Can Americans adopt a child in UK?

yes you can adopt a child almost anywhere

How do you adopt a child on pixie hollow?

You don't adopt a child , only a fairy.

What country is the quickest to adopt a child from?

That would be your own if you adopt a foster child.

Can a deceased step-parent adopt a living adult step-son?

No you can not adopt when dead. Can't believe you are asking this.

How do you legally adopt a spouse's child?

You file a petition in the court with jurisdiction (usually a family/civil court) in the county and state where the child is a resident. Please be advised, when a person wishes to legally adopt their new spouse's child the biological father or mother must be deceased or voluntarily relinquish his or her or have had parental rights permanently terminated by court order.

Can a U.S. citizen adopt a child from Iran?

The only way you can adopt a child is that you have no child of your own at all. I have 2 girls of my own and live in america. my husband wanted to adopt a child in Iran. You also need to have a house or a land under the child's name in order to adopt a child.

Where is the easiest place to adopt children if you live in australia?

If you live in Australia, the only avenue for adoption open to you is inter-country adoption (unless you wish to formally adopt the child of a deceased relative). The Philippines is the "easiest" place from which to adopt, but inter-country adoption is an arduous road, no matter which country you attempt.

What is the best slogan in adopt a child malnourished?

adopt child !! that's all thank you

Can you adopt an adult in Singapore?

no you cant but you can adopt a child