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Q: Can you be around paint fumes after a stem cell transplant?
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How can a stem cell transplant help cure diseases?

A stem cell transplant can help cure disease because it can grow into any cells that you body needs. An example of a time when a stem cell transplant is when a man cut off the end of his finger and used pig stem cells to grow it back.

What type of bone transplant uses bone marrow from a donor?

Either a bone marrow or a stem cell transplant (although these days most stem cell transplants are obtained from blood).

What cell componants have to match for an organ transplant?

plasma membrane proteins

What cell components will match of an organ transplant?

plasma membrane proteins

What is the main advantage of this new method of pancreatic cell transplant over other pancreatic transplant method?

Only half of the pancreas needs to be replaced

Who is ineligible for a stem cell transplant?

may not be recommended for some patients, including those with heart, kidney, or lung disorders. If the patient has an aggressive cancer that has spread throughout the body, he or she may not be considered for a stem cell transplant.

How do doctors diagnose sickle cell disease?

bone marrow transplant is the only known cure of sickle cell disease.

CPT code for ebv specific t cell?

38240 should be coded just like Stem cell transplant

When is an autologous stem cell transplant needed?

An autologous stem cell transplant is usually needed when a disease has damaged or destroyed bone marrow. Some diseases include Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and asplatic anemia.

i want to have a stem cell transplant, where can I get one?

Could you please email us ASAP on and let us know what your condition is? You would need to speak to your Physician about a stem cell transplant and have a medical need for doing so.

Infusion of tissue containing undifferentiated blood cells from bone marrow is?

Stem cell transplant

Which of the following poses a formidable obstacle to a successful orgen transplant?
