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Q: Can you be charged with hit and run on private property in Georgia?
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If I hit a car on private property who was parked illegally am I at fault?

Yes, private property does not obsolve you of your responsiblity.

Will you lose your license for a hit in run on private property in Ohio?

Well I think you would for one it's a hit and runa and for second it's on private property

If you hit a road sign how much trouble could you get into?

It's just like any other property-damage accident only the sign belongs to the state and is not private property. You must report the accident and exchange the same information you would if you hit a private vehicle or private property.

Does hit and run apply if you hit neighbors mailbox in Georgia?

Yes my buddy was just charged for a hit n run where mailboxes were taken out.

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Who is responsible if a car was hit on private property while backing out of the driveway?

doesn't matter if an accident was on private property. get a police report immediately. this will be used to determine fault, if any.

What happens if you are backing out and hit a pedestrian while on private property?

You are still at fault, no matter what.

What if you are on private property and you are pulling out of your parking spot and you don't realize the person next to you has there door open and some how you hit it?

If there door was already open then you are liable for the damage. It does not matter if it is on private property.

What happens when you hit a car on private property and no police were called and the insurance company was not contacted until almost a month after the accident?

it might be considered as a hit and run or destroying private properity.

What if you hit something and people see you but don't get your plate number and you leave What happens?

I'm not sure what the question is asking in regards to what was hit, but whether it be another car, a fixed object, or a pedestrian that you hit, the simple answer is you can be arrested and charged with leaving the scene of an accident. In the case of hitting another car, you can also be charged with damaging private property, reckless driving, etc. If you hit a person, fess up. Leaving that scene will cause you to be charged with a hit-and-run and if the person dies, you can be charged with vehicular manslaughter or even murder. Even if they don't die, very serious charges will come back on you when they catch you. And you can NEVER be certain that someone didn't see you!

How much trouble can you get into for hitting the mailbox outside of a apartment complex and leaving?

Makes no difference what you hit. If you leave it is hit and run, or (in some states) 'leaving after colliding.' The fact that only non-moveable property was damaged is immaterial. If the mailbox wasn't just a private mailbox for the apartment, but happened to be an 'official' US Postal Service mailbox, you could, theoretically, be charged with destruction of government property.

If a vehicle parked along a curb on private property is hit by another driver who is at fault?

The driver that hit the parked vehicle would be at fault.