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That depends on your schedule.

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Q: Can you be married at time of enlisting in military?
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Is a seventeen yr old enlisting in National Guard but not leaving for 3 months emancipated?

No enlisting in the military at 17 does not make emancipated.

Which is not a current use of computers in the military?

Studying for standardized exam for enlisting

How much money does a soldier get paid a year?

It honestly depends. There is a base pay depending on your Rank and Time in service/Rank. But there are plenty of variations. to include dependant pay. If your married, or have children. and Military Housing Allowances. Where if you were to live off base the military would provide additional monies to pay for your housing. Your best suggestion would be if your thinking about enlisting in the military speak with the recruiter about a pay chart. Assuming you are enlisting for the first time as a E-1 pay is about 1200 a month last I remember. But this is your first rank which you automatically Upgrade within about 4 months as long as your squared away. Meaning no trouble or Physical Fitness Failures.

What does it mean to Grant a military rank?

Some options are promotion, commissioning, or enlisting.

Can you join the military without enlisting?

No, you must enlist in order to be in the Military. The enlistment process is the process in which you establish your contract and everything within (job, term, bonus and options). Without this you are not in the Military.

Are you still able to join the military with out an ASVAB score?

Not necessarily.. Completing the ASVAB is part of the enlisting process at your given MEPS

Do all 5 branches of the US Military have military rabbis?

There are currently 7 or 8 Rabbis in the US military. At this time, at least one Chassidic Rabbi is suing the military because the no beard policy prevents those Jews who wear beards for religious reasons from enlisting - this includes Rabbis who wish to serve as military clergy.

Slippery northern men who collected fees for enlisting in the union?

The slippery northern men who collected fees for enlisting men in the Union were known as bounty jumpers. Bounty jumpers would enlist in the Union or Confederate military and collect payment before leaving.

Can the president reenlist a soldier?

Absolutely! US military officers powers to include re-enlisting enlisted service members comes from the president.

How can you use enlisting in a sentence?

We managed to build a table by enlisting a Joiner.

Should you join the army if you are scared to?

That's a decision only you can make for yourself. Everyone's nervous about enlisting in the military to some extent, no matter what they tell you.

What is the military's oath?

The Oath of Enlistment is required for all persons enlisting or re-enlisting in the United States Military. It goes as follows: "I (Your Name), do solemnly swear that I will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."