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No. But you can go to the doctor and get a blood test done. They are more accurate than the home tests. Good luck:) You COULD be pregnant if you are late but it is unlikely. Wait a couple days and if you are more than a month late go to your doctor for a blood test. If you are not pregnant you can find out if anything else is wrong. Hi, Not all missed periods are pregnancy related, but it is possible yes. You need to see your doctor for a blood test.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you are a month late with 2 negative pregnancy tests?
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Can you still be pregnant if 3 pregnancy tests have all been negative?

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Could you still be pregnant if two home pregnancy tests were negative and you are like a month late?

Having two tests after each other fail would be improbable but not impossible. Most löikely you're not pregnant.

Can you still be pregnant with 8 negative pregnancy tests?

Yes, but that is a small chance.

Is it possible get a negative pregnancy test but be 2 weeks pregnant?

Pregnancy tests, especially early-stage home tests, are never 100% reliable.

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Two negative tests would indicate that you probably are not.

Can you be pregnant if tests are negative but sonogram shows a baby?

Yes. Home pregnancy tests only read up to a certain amount of hCG or the pregnancy hormone. Anything above that number would read negative.

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Don't rely on home pregnancy tests, go to a clinic and do it properly.

You have been having pregnancy symptoms- but your PT tests are negative-Could you still be pregnant?

Yes it is called a positive negative and the tests are only 99.998 precent correct

What do you do if you think your pregnant and all your pregnancy tests come back negative yet you have all the signs of being pregnant but nobody believes you because you are on the Depo-Provera shot?

You're not pregnant if you're on Depo provera and your pregnancy test is negative.

You took a pregnancy a day before your period and it came back negative Does that mean im really not pregnant?

Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, but being that it was negative and you got your period, I'd say you are definitely not pregnant.

If you have four negative pregnancy tests could you still be pregnant?

Yes it is still possible. See a doctor.

If you missed your period and the test was negative should i just wait until next month?

Home pregnancy tests can give a false negative in the first few weeks of a pregnancy. If you think you are pregnant you should see a doctor. Contact your local Planned Parenthood for more information.