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This seems to call for a legal opinion - but - the general rule is that IF the information provided is FACTUAL AND PROVEABLE (to an impartial person) then it cannot be constured as libel or slander. You may not substitute opinion and personality differences for fact.

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Q: Can you be sued for writing a rip off report that is factual?
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If your ex-husband falsely sued you and never served you and got a judgment and this is now on your credit report can you be patient for 7 years and ask agencies to take it off your report?

Yes, but that does not make the judgment uncollectable.

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you will have to get macy's to remove the charge-off from your report or change it to a good standing remark. because they will show a new account opened on you report along with the charge-off. if they agree to change it get it in writing and report it to the bureaus when they report it. the lender only can remove the charge-off

Can creditors collects a debt from seven years ago in New York?

Only if it is a judgement. If they never sued you, then after 7 years, it will come off of your credit report, and you are no longer liable for the debt.

How does a company get off of Rip Off report?

The only way you can remove the rip off report is by pushing the negative remarks on your name down in the search engines. The Rip Off Report has been sued many times to take down negative information and have prevailed in their case to keep the information on their site because of the Communications Decency Act 230. What has to be done is to build "Positive Information" on High Authority Websites and build backlinks to those sites to make that information more powerful in Googles eyes than the Rip Off Report. You can find more information on this at ReputationDefenseOnline (dot) com.

What happen when you don't pay your bills?

Your will lose your ability to pull credit for years, your accounts will go into collections, you can be sued for the debts, and/or you can wait 7 years for the debts to come off your credit report. If you have a judgement because you were sued, then it is likely that the debt will stay with you for 10 years +. Moral of the story, do the responsible thing and pay the debts off, even if it takes a long time to do so.

What must you never lose sight of when writing a report?

The topic. Don't stray off topic, just talk about what you're supposed to be talking about.

How much money does James Patterson make?

While writing a report on him, I found out that he has made billions of dollars just off his book sales.

If a student loan disappeared off your credit report but you still owe money on the loan can they put it back on your report?

It would depend on the type of student loan. Federally guaranteed student loans have no expiration under existing laws, and will indeed reappear and can be collected on and sued over until they are paid.

Is it beneficial to pay that debt off or is it just a redundant action once a debt has gone to collections and damaged your credit report?

It is best to pay off the debt. You can also ask if they will remove their listing completely from your credit report, if you agree to pay. If they agree to this, tell them to send the agreement to you in writing and you will immediately pay off the debt.

Do I need to pay off a repossession?

Unless you want to be sued, you bet you do.

Can you be sued for a charged off credit debt by the original creditor?
