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Yes, they can get a warrant for Twitter to give them your details.

Added: ANY transmission made by ANY electronic communication device is traceable to its individual IP address.

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Q: Can you be traced on Twitter by the police?
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Can an unregistered follower be traced on Twitter?

No they can't.

If not registered on Twitter can you be traced?

You cannot tell who is looking at your profile on Twitter unless you have protected tweets and you approve who can and can't see it. Thus, you can't be traced and will remain anonymous.

How do you use traced in a sentence?

The police traced the ransom call and we were able to get our son back safely. The child traced a picture of Mickey Mouse and joked that she drew it herself. Grandma traced her family's roots back to Ireland.

Can you search Twitter anonymously?

Yes, if it is done without logging in and from a dynamic IP. This search can still be traced, but not easily.

Can pay as you go mobile be traced?

No, but the police and security services can. the above statement i have crossed out because it is wrong pay as you go mobiles cannot be traced at all.

Can you get in trouble if your phone number gets traced by the police?

you won't but if you done something wrong than yes.

How many police use Twitter?

About 3/5 policemen use twitter. this website is very useful for investigation and is often used for crime scenes

Who made the police?

The history of civil police forces is generally traced back to the times of the Roman Empire. (interesting factoid: The origins of the police badge is said to be the breastplate worn by the Roman Centurions as a badge of their office.)

Are the messages you send people on twitter private?

no because police and FBI can get into it. Also hackers.

The police originated where?

The roots of present day civil law enforcement can be traced back to the time time of the Roman Empire.

How do you use your ex-husband credit card and not be traced?

Your local police office will be happy to assist you with this. Just go in and tell them what you'd like to do.

Can air cards be traced?

Yes. They are, for all practical purposes, a cell phone. If you had one stolen, report it to the police and the carrier, giving them the ESN and phone number.