

Best Answer

Of course you can. It is a great idea for someone on a quest for religious identity to find a way to truly respect each expression they have the privilege to examine. Find out what is good about Christianity, honor and live up to it. Do the same with Wicca and every tradition you come across. Above all remain curious and choose the path that works best for you. "All roads lead to the Center."

Some say that The Bible is clearly and vehemently against "witchcraft". Biblical witchcraft, however, is not Wicca. Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" is a rather poor translation. The original Hebrew term, m'khashepah, refers to a person who speaks harmful words, or words in spell form that cause harm. Therefor, no form of healing energy or beneficial magick can be considered biblical "witchcraft".

It depends largely on which Christian denomination you're going for. Catholicism, for example, will give you a strong "NO."

Another Answer:

I only have a cursory understanding of Wicca, but If I understand correctly, many Wiccans are pantheists (ie. The universe and the divinity are one). This kind of belief system is fundamentally incompatible with a view that the universe is fundamentally separated from the divine (Christianity is firmly rooted in this belief). This would be contradiction in belief; one cannot truly and fully be both a pantheist and a Christian. However, if the kind of Wiccan your talking about is deistic, then a rationally coherent belief system could be constructed, although you would still have to place the Christian God above the Wiccan gods due to the nature of Christian belief.

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8y ago

A resounding NO. A witch follows the religion of Wicca which is deeply and irrefutably incompatible with Christianity, as it denies Christ as Lord. Wiccans worship a horned god, associated with nature and sexuality through a goddess, some believe in many gods (pantheistic) and have most have liberal moral codes including some engaging in free sexual activity at meetings. Most wiccans believe in reincarnation which is totally against what the Bible teaches. Many wiccans amsl believe it is possible to contact the dead through oiuija boards and the like and again, this is contrary to Biblical teaching. Almost all wiccans practise magic to bring about change, and, although the majority of witches claim that they are 'white' - bringing about change only for the 'good' (however they define 'good') this is not always the case. Christians believe in prayer rather than magic and the two are totally incompatible.

Therefore you must make your choice between the two as they are totally incompatible with each other.

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14y ago

Pagan Answers

From a pagan perspective there is no such conflict. I know a number of Cristo-Wiccans. And as MOST pagans a polytheistic, we have no problem whatsoever with the belief, reverence, and worship of multiple gods (singular, plural, male, female, un-known gender, upper case or lower case).

Christian Answers

No two gods totally contradict the idea of one all powerful being. So the answer Plain and simple is NO!

Matthew 6:24 - No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

2 Corinthians 6:14, 15 - Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?

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13y ago

No. Jesus said clearly He is the only way and that you cannot serve two masters.

A Pagan Perspective: There is no reason why a Wiccan can't follow the Christian God and see him/her/it as a legitimate, admirable and respectable Deity to follow. Even though most Wiccan's are polythiest in nature, there are many who do follow the Christian God and hold him and his word sacred. Their common view is that God is working through them, and that is why their particular version of magic works.

Some Christians have an almost tunnel like view on the scenario and don't believe or accept this possibility.

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13y ago
The Christian Perspective:

You CAN try doing anything you like, but God will not approve of this behavior.

If the definition of pagan is "one who worships Gods other than the God of the Bible", then a true Christian could NOT also be a pagan.

From the beginning, according to the Bible, there has been one true God, Yahweh (Psalms 83:18)(John 8:54) and Christians are told to follow his commands(Matthew 7:21-23) and the example set by his son, Jesus (Matthew 4:10)(John 17:3)(1 Peter 2:21)

Yahweh required (and requires) obedience and exclusive devotion. (Exodus 19:5; Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Joshua 24:14, 15) If a person performed rituals or acts of devotion to any other gods, he is considered to be abandoning true worship.(Deuteronomy 11:13-17; Judges 3:6, 7). According to the Bible, a Christian should never worship a different God(Exodus 20:2-7)(Exodus 23:13) (Deuteronomy 5:6-9) (Deuteronomy 6:13-15)(Deuteronomy 7:3-6)(Deuteronomy 8:19-20)(Luke 4:7+8)(Matthew 4:8-10)

The Pagan Perspective:

"Pagan" is an umbrella term to classify a wide range of belief systems that are more towards the nature and pantheistic/polytheistic Gods. Paganism does not accept a "Creator God". Some pagan religions explain the "beginning of the world" as an interaction of many divine forces, but not a Single Creator God. If you try to practice both, you are only taking the "Religious Practice" and would have to exclude the concept of God/Gods from the practice. It would be difficult to grasp theological concepts and to explain your faith to someone/children..

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12y ago

Yes, because no ones going to stand there and tell you not to. Religion is what you make of it, if you want to combine two religions go for it.

A Bit More Information

Christians do not believe in any but their own "one god" and will quote the "Thou shalt not have any Gods before me." commandment. If you allow your Christian friends and family to know you follow a pagan path they will:

1) tell you you are mislead and try to "bring you back to the fold" and "save your soul".

2) tell you you are wrong and "cast you out" and "condemn your soul to the pit".

Pagans (the group that includes Wicca, as Christianity includes Catholics), are generally speaking polytheistic (having reverence to more than one god).

It is therefore easy and acceptable for them to follow both the pagan path and a Christian path.

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11y ago

To answer, one must define each term in context.

Agnosticism is defined by Websters Dictionary as:

1.: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly :one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.

Wicca is also defined by Websters as:

1. :: a religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of Western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycle.

Because the general belief in Wicca revolves around duotheism, or even for some, polytheism, the center belief of Agnostic ideas that holds such powers are unknown or cannot be known, would seem to be contradictory.

However, Agnostic thought can be broken down, and has two distinct types (out of other types) which may lend itself to Wiccan practice.

The first is Agnostic Theism. This belief centers on the notion that while one does not know specifically of the existence of a deity, that they still believe there could be such a being. This can be stated more clearly, in a sentence such as "I don't know if God exists for sure, but I do believe it's possible (or I do believe)."

The second possibility is called "Weak" Agnosticism. This has also been called Soft or Empirical Agnosticism. This school of thought states that while a deity or deities is not known and may not be knowable, that the person does not make a judgment based on that fact and is waiting for evidence with regards to one conclusion or the other.

Either of these leave the possibility of the existence of a deity or deities open enough to where participating in any other religious activity may help a person decide one way or the other.

Additionally, the lack of belief in such powers does not necessarily prevent a person from celebrating Wiccan holidays, such as feasts and festivals devoted to the harvest, or the changing of seasons such as a celebration of an Equinox or Solstice holiday.

Because of the diverse range of beliefs one can find in Wicca, it may be possible to have no belief in God, or gods, and still participate with covens and other groups. This is a question best left asked to someone specifically involved in the practice of Wicca, who can guide you through answers to questions involving practices and their particular beliefs.

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13y ago


Christianity and the pagan religion of wicca are totally ncompatible.

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Wiccans do not believe in heaven or hell. In the Wiccan faith, something only has an influence over you if you allow it to. As such, your question is a mixture of religions so I will answer it in the best way I can. If the individual asking the question is Wiccan: No. If the individual asking the question is Christian: Yes.

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