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Im'm not sure what you want here. Are you bleaching your hair for beauty or disinfecting[ see catergories ] You can NOT disinfect head lice. Thet need a pediculacide, like Kwell shampoo. Hair bleach for coloring is hydrogen peroxide. which comes in liquid and powder-to-be mixed forms. Chlorine bleach for cleaning is sodium hypochloride. Either can cause blindness, and to strip your hair of all color with hydrogen peroxide is called " double processing" and should be done by a professional. Please be careful.

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Q: Can you bleach your hair by yourself?
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How do you get bleach out of your hair?

Go to a hair specialist. or a good hairdresser, don't mess about with your hair yourself as you might make it worse.

How can you bleach your hair in a healthy way?

Do not attempt this yourself, go to a professional hairdresser .

What is hair bleach?

its basically bleach with some chemicals in it.

How do you bleach your hair with Clorox bleach?

Don't do it! If you bleach your hair with Clorox, your hair will completely fall out. It's not the correct bleach to use. I suggest to get a box bleach (you can get at any drugstore). Unless you want no hair/straw hair then don't do it.

What kind of bleach do you use to get your hair from black to platinum?

You need to use a hair bleaching kit. Don't attempt to use laundry bleach or straight bleach. You could end up damaging your hair and scalp and your hair could fall out. NO. JUST GO GET iT DONE, iTS NOT WORTH TRYiN TO DO iT YOURSELF AND MESSiNG iT UP. REDKEN iS THE BEST BUT iF YOU DONT DO HAiR THEN YOU DONT HAVE ACCESS TO THAT.

What is the best way to bleach hair?

Go to a hair salon and have a professional do it. If you do it yourself, it could turn orange or even PINK!! Or it could fall out...

Bleach facial hair?

You can...but it is still visible and looks nasty. Use electrolysis, or snip it or tweeze it yourself.

How do you dye and bleach your hair?

this is not something you want to do yourself, when it comes to bleaching your hair, go to a professional stylist who will make sure that you get the right colour to suit you.

How do you make hair bleach?

Compared with doing someting by yourself, you'd better ask the barber or hairdresser for help.

What is a recipe for hair bleach?

REAL hair bleach or something to just barely lighten your hair?

What happens when a brunette tries to dye their hair blonde?

you dont "dye" your hair blonde. you bleach it. and hair bleach is a very harsh chemical on the hair. if you dont do it properly your hair may fall out. but in other words, it is possible to bleach your hair and much less damaging if you have virgin hair(meaning you have no other colour of dye already on your hair). but after bleaching your hair will still be "fried" and not very soft. the best thing to do would be to just get it done by a professional versus trying to do it yourself.

What bw2 and bleach developer to use for black dyed hair?

go to a professional (ESPECIALLY) if you've coloured your hair black, if you attempt to lighten it yourself you'll end up with a patchy orange colour, bleach it again and again and damage your hair very quickly.