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Usually the biggest reason you spot during ovulation is when an egg attaches it self to the uterus for conception.

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Yes - ovulation spotting can be common in some women, it's normally very light such as pink or brown discharge, not a heavy bleed like menstruation.

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Q: Does bleeding during ovulation come from the uterus?
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Which comes first ovulation or menstruation?

Menstruation is the body's way of disposing of an unfertilised egg, so ovulation must come first.

How soon the baby be in the uterus?

A pregnancy test MAY show positive from about 10 days after ovulation. But the period may still come. I am not sure what the first answer means.

How soon a baby should be in the uterus?

A pregnancy test MAY show positive from about 10 days after ovulation. But the period may still come. I am not sure what the first answer means.

Where does the blood come from on a period?

The discharge of blood comes from a woman's uterus. The bleeding is the result of cyclic hormonal changes. The ovaries produce eggs and female hormones. During the normal menstrual cycle, an egg will be released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through a Fallopian tube to the Uterus. The cycle ends with the shedding of the inner lining of the Uterus, which causes menstruation.

Can you get prengant your period come?

It is biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - however it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, which you might mistake for menstruation. It is biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation - however it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation as given the right environment sperm can survive in the vagina for up to 7 days, by which time you may ovulate. You may mistake ovulation bleeding for menstruation.

If you have cramps headaches feel tired and have a slightly bigger stomach but still had your period can you be pregnant?

No. When you get a period, it literally flushes the uterus. However, vaginal bleeding occurs during the first trimester in 20-30% of pregnancies. The key difference is that during menstruation (a period), the lining of the uterus is expelled and vaginal bleeding occurs when the vagina (the canal leading up to the uterus) bleeds. While it is normal for this to occur during the first trimester of 20-30% of pregnancies, doctors still recommend that you come in to see them to be certain there are not other problems. Plus, your symptoms may not indicate pregnancy and could instead be the result of something a doctor should diagnose.

What is the female reproductive gland that mature the egg?

Since the egg has not yet come down the fellopian tubes, the uterus is empty. And nothing really happens except for the formation of a linnin on the uterin walls, the linning is made up of nutrients and blood to feed the (would be) fertilized egg. Once the egg passes down and is not fertilized, then the linnin that built up on the uterus gets shed along with the egg during the monthly bleeding

Can you take birth control to start having periods?

A true period is an event that happens after ovulation. Bleeding other than a period can happen without ovulation, but is called withdrawal bleeding (which is the kind you get when you are on hormonal contraceptives) or breakthrough bleeding. If you are concerned about your health because you are not having periods taking artificial hormones is not going to help, but only make your health worse. If you are waiting for a first period, don't despair, it will come! If you are in a state of amenorrhea do some things to improve your health and you can bring your period back.

What happens during the menstruation?

Menstrual cycle is a cycle of physiological changes that can occur in fertile females. Overt menstruation where the blood flow from the uterus through the vagina occurs primarily in humans and close evolutionary relatives such as chimpanzees. It mainly occurs due to chage in hormone level in the body. If a girl has menses it means she is ready to become mother after conception. Most fertile days to get pregnant are 12-14 days. Menstrual cycle is of 28-35d ays depending upon women. Lets take it is of 28 days: from 1-5 days it is called as bleeding phase when blood and shedding of endometrium walls of uterus come out from urethra due to decreased level of progestrone hormone Pain may occur during this period due to release of prostaglandins hormone. 5-14 days it is called as preparatory phase as uterus reforms its endometrium due to increased level of LH & FSH hormone. On 14th day ovulation occurs i.e. ovum is released from the ovary in uterus then 14-28 days uterus walls prepares themselves to get zygote if fertilzation occurs. This period is called luteal phase and if no fertilization occurs ovum is shed out in bleeding phase, and the cycle continues.

When the lining of your uterus is shedding does it come out in your urine?

no, it will come out when you have your period.

From where the blood come during menstural cycle?

This comes from the uterus (womb) as the 'old' lining seperates and is 'flushed' away: ready for the new cycle to start.

What happen to the uterus lining if no pregnancy occurs?

The uterus lining will come loose and a mentral cycle will begin.