

Can you build a concrete pool on top of ledge?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Of course you can. See for the best in pool contractors and designers. Luke Pool Service Tucker, GA

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Q: Can you build a concrete pool on top of ledge?
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Why does an object sitting on top of a ledge have potential energy?

Whether it has (gravitational) potential energy or not depends on what level you (arbitrarily) define as zero. If you define the bottom of the ledge as the "zero" level, then the top of the ledge will have positive energy. If you define the top of the ledge as the "zero" level, then the object on the top of the ledge will have zero potential energy (and at the bottom of the ledge it will have negative potential energy). In any case, at the top of a ledge, an object will have more potential energy than at the bottom of the ledge, because it requires work to push the object up; also, in principle the potential energy can be recovered (converted to some other type of energy) if the object falls down.

Your pool is made in concrete is it wise to put a liner?

It is unwise to have a liner installed because the pool was not built with "concrete receptor coping. Because this strong steel bead receptor was not built into the coping, a plastic substitute must be nailed into the concrete around the top of the pool. The liner is then screwed into this piece of plastic, and the pool is filled with 200,000 to 400,000 pounds of water. The liner stretches and will usually hold the water for a year or two before it begins to tear at the top. A vinyl liner is not designed for this kind of abuse, and it will be unusable in a very short period of time.

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Where is the ledge of the building on time tangled island?

At the Statue of Liberty (1877 AD), there is a ledge to the far left that can only be reached by jumping left from the top of the statue. On the ledge is the notbeook for Leonardo Da Vinci (1517 AD).

How do you jump on the ledge on time tangled island?

In 1882 AD at the Statue of Liberty, the notebook for Leonardo DaVinci is on a high ledge. Climb to the top of the Statue, then all the way up, and jump hard left to reach the ledge.

Where is the statue ledge on time tangled island?

At the Statue of Liberty (1877 AD), there is a ledge to the far left that can only be reached by jumping left from the top of the statue. On the ledge is the notbeook for Leonardo Da Vinci (1517 AD).