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No Microsoft makes you buy all of the dashboard themes you want to use. There are some out there that don't cost but the ones that do cost are pretty cheap, only around 250 Microsoft points. I think that's a dollar.

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Q: Can you burn pictures on a CD an can you put the CD in the xbox 360 for dashboard themes?
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Can you get dashboard themes for Xbox 360 and not have Xbox live account?

Unfortunately not. An Xbox LIVE account is required in order to purchase Dashboard Themes and much, much more.

How do you get pictures on to your Xbox 360?

look at the media section on your dashboard

How do you get new pictures for the player profiles on the Xbox 360?

If you have NXE you can take pictures of your avatar. Or, regardless of your dashboard, new pictures can be purchased on the Xbox Marketplace.

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Themes are in alot of games, they change the background of your xbox dashboard, or playstation home.

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choose one of the default themes already installed on the xbox 360 for instance the halo theme or go round looking for new themes on xbox live

What are ms points on xbox 360 live?

Microsoft points (or MS points) are basically the currency on the xbox live marketplace. They enable you to buy gamer pictures, dashboard themes, multi-player map packs and MUCH more downloadable content for the 360 console. They are available in all good game stores and ebay.

How do you change the theme for the Xbox 306?

First you will need a memory stick. Go onto your laptop or desktop and save the pictures you want to your memory stick. Once you have done this you can plug your memory stick into your Xbox 360's USB port. On the dashboard go to change theme, which is where customize avatar is and then open up your pictures folder and then select your picture. Or if you have an OXM demo disc they sometimes come with themes. To get them just play the demo disc and go to save themes. Hope this helped.

How do download Xbox dashboard background?

To download another background to your xbox like me ( I have a assassins creed 2 background) you have to go on game marketplace, there should be other options but you have to look for themes and there should be a variety of different backgrounds

How do you get bing on xbox 360?

Bing is on the new dashboard, if you have the new dashboard, you will have bing. If you do not have the new dashboard, you can download it from the Xbox official website. Follow all instructions on how to install the update.

Xbox recently update the look of their xbox360dashboard.what is the new dashboard known as?

The new dashboard is part of NXE, or new xbox experience.

How do you get to the dashboard from Xbox live on your Xbox?

Xbox - Exit the game you are playing Xbox 360- Press the X in the middle of the controller and press Y, it will ask you, "Are you sure?: Yes or No, select yes and you will be taken to the dashboard.

Is youtube on the new xbox 360 dashboard?

Yes. Bing is also on the new dashboard.