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me and my friends have been looking for an answer for that question for weeks now. so far, all we've found says no. its considered a controlled substance/experimental drug, and its controlled by th FDA ( its say that you have to fill out a bunch of forms saing that a local doctor have to has agreed to monitor and administer the antivenom. so, you cant have it WITH you, but you can have a doctor hold it for you, for when you get bit.

OHSU has a poison department that i talked to, and they said that you just have to talk to a doctor and have him(or her) call them. then they will hunt down and get the antivenom you need. but from the sounds of it, they dont send it to the doc tell you get bit.... and we plan to have a few snakes that could kill you in 10 to 15 min!

we are still tring to find a way that we can have it with us, so we can administer it when needed. at least to give us something to keep us alive tell we get to the hospital.

Most of these antivenins require refrigeration, so would not be useful if hiking anyway. Best practices include vigilance, esp in spring/fall; not reaching your hands over a ledge where you can't see first; and carrying an elastic ligature to use as an intermittent tourniquet.

You can buy it on the official antivenom website (red cross) or all antivenoms and antivenins are sold at

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8y ago

Antivenin is usually available only by prescription from a doctor (United States) and is very expensive, usually several thousand dollars per vial. Ir may take a number of vials to treat a serious snakebite.

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11y ago

In country's were there are a lot of poisonous snakes around you could find them in chemists.

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No. There is no such thing as antivenin for anything.

What is an antivenin?

An antivenin is an antitoxin for treating bites from venomous animals such as snakes and spiders.

Can human be given antivenin more than once?

Yes, they can receive antivenin multiple times as long as they have not developed an allergy to it. In such a case, the antivenin could kill the patient.

Can antivenin kill a person?

Antivenin is produced from blood serum of horses or sheep. If a person has an allergy to either of these animals, the antivenin could cause death faster than the venom from the snake.

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You can.

Snake bite antivenin is an example of?

Passive Immunity & Acquired Immunity ,

What cures the king cobra bite?

The only treatment is the prompt administration of antivenin.

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Most bites can be cured with antivenin treatment.

How do you cure an eastern diamondback snake bite?

Go directly to the hospital for antivenin injections.

Is snake poison used for rattlesnake bite?

No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.

How are rattlesnake bites cured?

With shots of antivenin, mainly Crofab, specially formulated for rattler bites.