

Can you buy meal worms at a store?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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Probely at Petco or an reptile store... ya...

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Q: Can you buy meal worms at a store?
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You can go to any general bait store and get meal worms or something of the sort. You can get crickets from your local pet store also

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well i have a green and black spotted frog just go to a local pet store and buy small crickets and if not crickets meal worms witch you can also buy at a local pet store < they are harmless and DO NOT buy super worms okay i hope this helps

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meal worms you can buy them at any petstore

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Yes,they are but they are omnivores they eat vegetables and meat you can give them grasshoppers only from the pet store same a meal worms but the grasshoppers well I recommend freeze dried grasshoppers but some hamsters might get scared of the meal worms or the grasshoppers you can get meal worms dead or alive. I say when I get a hamster or anyone does and they like or dislike meal worms and the meal worms are alive i say do they give mercy or no mercy.

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Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.

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My lepard gecko loves crickets, meal worms, wax worms and butter worms. Just dust them in calcium, to ensure their diet has calcium. All this stuff you can get at a good pet store, or reptile store.

Where can we usually find mealworms?

You can usually find meal worms in any pet store that sells frogs.

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Japan and Chinese culture eat meal-worms

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small crickets and meal worms are the easiest to buy at a pet store. It would be better for the environment and the animal to return it back to the wild though.

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Ralphs, Vons

Are earthworms the ones you get for fishing good for leopard geckos?

No no no, if you are going to feed your leopard gecko worms you can try meal worms, wax worms or super worms are all a great choice for leopard geckos. (you can find these worms a pet store not in your back yard)

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Meal worms, wax worms, super worms, tomato worms, phoenix worms. If you go to your local pet store you can see the supply of worms they have there should be a variety of live feeders available for the reptile hobbyist'