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NO repo agents are not certified in VA but to be a private eye you would have to be certified by the state a VA

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Q: Can you carry legally a repossession agent badge in Virginia?
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Where can a repossession agent purchase a 'repo badge' for reasons of identification?

Please be aware that the liability and legality of using such identification is determined by the laws of the state in which the person is operating and said person bears all responsibility in any of the resulting consequences.

How long does it take an agent to earn a CIA badge?

The amount of time that it takes an agent to earn a CIA badge is one to three years depending on ones experience.This is the amount of time it can take to become a CIA agent.

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Contact the local DEA Office and ask to speak to a supervisor, then ask them if the have an agent with that badge number.

Can you carry a recovery agent badge when doin repos in Texas?

yes you can!!!

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You can be an FBI agent by applying to the FBI academy. You will need to meet all of the requirements for this type of law enforcement degree including a physical and mental evaluation.

How do you get the HQ on Club Penguin?

first you have to be a agent by clicking the Badge in the top right coner and answer some qustions then it will tell you how to get in

Where do you get secret agent uniform from on club penguin?

if you're in the epf every time you complete a field op you get a badge. save up your badges and you can buy a secret agent uniform!

How do you get FBI badge in Habbo hotel?

To get badges on Habbo hotel you must pay then credits and then create a badge , to add a badge you must click on you friend hover over their badge and double click this will lead you to there site then favorite the badge and you have joined their group and got their badge.

What are the Kanto gymbadges in Pokemon FireRed?

The boulder badge, the cascade badge, the thunder badge, the rainbow badge, the soul badge, the marsh badge, the volcano badge and the earth badge.

Can a repoman call your house at 11 PM show you a phony badge introduce himself as a special agent and repo your car without showing any paperwork?

1. they cant "introduce" anyone after 9:00 Pm UNLESS you are up and about,2. Using ANY kind "BADGE" is using "color of laW" and that's NO GOOD.3, IF he was a cop, with warrant, he would have to show it t0o you.4. IF you tell them they CANT take the car, they LEGALLY cant.5. Call an ATTORNEY NOW

How many gym badges can you get in Pokemon heartgold?

There are 16 badges in total, 8 from Johto and 8 from Kanto.They are:Zephyr Badge - FlyingHive Badge - BugPlain Badge - NormalFog Badge - GhostStorm Badge - FightingMineral Badge - Ground / Steel / RockGlacier Badge - IceRising Badge - DragonBoulder Badge - Rock/GroundCascade Badge - WaterThunder Badge - ElectricRainbow Badge - GrassSoul Badge - PoisonMarsh Badge - PsychicVolcano Badge - FireEarth Badge - (last gym leader, blue, has no type i think he has a ninetales, a scizor, a rhydon, and other stuff.)

How much stuff do FBI agent carry?

They would carry a badge and a gun. They may also have a kevlar vest and other tools or weapons depending on the situation.