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Nope, if you got sick already with a previous cold, the only thing you'll catch is a more severe cold if you still stay out in the cold.

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14y ago

Sure...but you wouldn't know it. :-) Just kidding

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Q: Can you catch a different cold if you already have a cold?
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If you already have a cold can you catch swine flu?

Yes, it's a different virus.

If you had a cold 1 month ago can you catch a cold again?

It is easier to catch a cold just after getting over one, since your body is resting from trying to fight off the germs. A way to prevent getting a cold is to wash your hands a lot, and also try to get as much sleep as possible.

Can you catch a cold from someone if you are already recovering from a cold?

You If You Still have the cold, No. If you barely recovered then yes.

What common ailment can't you catch at the north pole?

In Winter you can't catch a cold in the North Pole. The temperature is too low for the germs to survive in the air or on any surfaces. You could catch a cold if you were kissing someone who already had a cold though...

Can I catch my cat's cold?

No, it's a different virus. No, it's a different virus.

Is it true that you can easily get a cold during periods?

No it is a myth that you can catch a cold during a girls period time. If you already have a cold it could get worse though.

Can you catch a cold in a desert?

Yes, a person can catch cold in a desert if he/she is exposed to a cold virus.

Can your catch a cold from someone baking a cake?

You can potentially catch a cold from anyone.

Did you cough a cold or did you got a cold?

It is more commonly said as "catching a cold" when referring to becoming sick with a cold. So, the correct phrasing would be "Did you catch a cold?"

When you catch a cold it is most likely you contracted it from what?

A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

When you catch a cold it is most likely you contracted it from .?

A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

Can you catch a cold by being next to someone with a cold?

You can catch a cold by being next to someone with a cold. This is because cold and flu in infectious and is considered to be an airborne disease.