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Catching the Same Cold Twice:No, a cold is a viral infection, and once the virus has been in your system, you become immune to it if you have a healthy immune system. Therefore, if you are exposed to the same virus, it will have no effect because your body already has defenses built for it.

However, you can catch a second kind of cold virus after having a different kind before. The reason this happens fairly frequently is that common cold viruses mutate quickly into new forms. The virus may change only a tiny tiny bit, but technically, what you would be contracting causing a second cold is a mutatedstrain of the same cold virus, or a different one of the many hundreds of cold viruses around at any given time.

Your immune system makes anitbodies and has sort of a "memory card" so to speak, of the exact virus you had so that you can't get the same one again.

See the related question below for more detail about viral infections and the immune system.

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12y ago

No, once you have had an infection by a specific common cold virus and if you have an otherwise healthy immune system, you won't be sick with that same exact virus again. You could, however, become sick from a mutation of the virus you had. And the common cold is extremely efficient at mutating into new forms.

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13y ago

Yes, but only if it is a different type of cold virus the second time. If you are exposed to an identical version of the cold that you had previously after you have recovered fully from it the first time, then your body should have developed immunity to all genetically identical cold viruses and you would not get it a second time. However, the common cold viruses can change quickly by mutations and if it does change enough that the immune system no longer sees it as identical, then you would not have immunity to the mutated strain. This is similar to why we need different seasonal flu vaccines every year.

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12y ago

Usually not the same exact one that you had previously, if you are an otherwise healthy person with a healthy immune system.

An example is the flu. Influenza is caused by a virus. If you are exposed to an identical version of the flu that you had previously after you have recovered fully from it the first time, then your body should have developed immunity to all genetically identical kinds of flu and you would not get it a second time. However, the flu can change by mutations and if it does change enough that the immune system no longer sees it as identical, then you would not have immunity to the mutated strain. You can get the flu twice, but if the immune system is properly functioning, it would not be the same flu virus.

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13y ago

Technically, you can't catch a fever, because a fever is a natural bodily response to a bacteria or virus in the body. It raises the overall temperature of your body, to try and "burn" off the virus you caught. So, you can't catch a fever at all.

If you catch a specific type of virus, however, you can't "catch" that specific virus again, because the first time you caught it, your body produced antibodies to fight it, and, while most of the antibodies died, some of them lived on as "security guards," to make sure that that specific virus never shows up again, or, in other words, making you immune to that virus. So no, you can't catch a virus that you've already had, because you're immune to it. This is why, before there was a smallpox vaccination, many people got infected with cowpox, a milder form of smallpox, because the cowpox virus was similar enough to the smallpox virus that people who caught cowpox would be immune to smallpox.

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13y ago

no you cant it is imposible

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Q: Can you catch the same cold twice if you 've already gotten over it?
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Nope, if you got sick already with a previous cold, the only thing you'll catch is a more severe cold if you still stay out in the cold.

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You If You Still have the cold, No. If you barely recovered then yes.

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Yes, it's a different virus.

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You can potentially catch a cold from anyone.

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A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

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