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yes, when you put an item in your cart you can always change your address , name telephone # email etc. or you can go to "my account" in the top right and change it

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Q: Can you change your address on Lockerz?
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For lockerz can you make 20 email address and and send invet to them and create 20 lockerz account does that count?

thas called cheating and lockerz can detect that all the emails are from the same ip they will just take away all the pointz u get from it so it doesnt work, soz ------------------------------------------

How do you know if you have been invited to lockerz?

Lockerz sends you an invite.

How come you are not getting points on Lockerz?

but you dont get points in lockerz

How do you get to the lockerz games?

There are no lockerz games. They are cheaters and they use robots.

How do you get your z list shirt on lockerz?

invite 20 people it it will ask you for what type of shirt you want and ur address

What is a zlist in lockerz?

You can be a Z-lister in lockerz if you manage to invite 20 of your friends in lockerz itself, otherwise your a non-Z-lister.

Is lockerz ever restocking?

lockerz will eventually but is not making the date public

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How do you make the LOCKERZ catch game load?

It doesn't work anymore, it was deleted by the lockerz team.

Can you sell your lockerz account?

no, u actually cant delete or sell ur lockerz account.

How do you invite people to lockerz?

Lockerz is a legit website. I got my ps3 from there. You need to get a invite from somebody to get in.

How do you get lockerz PTZ?

The best way to get lockerz points is to watch all the videos. You only get a few but if you are on the computer you can just open another tab while a video is playing. then just check it every once and a while and change the video. Hope that helps