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Yes, unless the child is receiving some form of state or federal aid/health insurance. In that case, no, you cannot. Whether or not it's actually a good idea is open for debate.

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Q: Can you clear the non-custodial parent of all back child support owed?
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Could I get child support after 43 years in Tennesee?

If you have a child under 18 and can locate the other parent, possibly. Your question isn't terribly clear.

Can one parent keep you from seeing the other parent who is not paying child support?

No, it is not the child's fault, they still need the bonding effects of both parents. The other parent although not paying support is still subject to pay other bills until you can get them to court, which would also clear up the issue of keeping the child from the other.

How do you stop child support sense were back together?

You, (the Absent Parent), and the Custodial Parent both go to your local Child Support Office and file a motion to be heard in front of a judge (in most cases, it's heard on a separate date from the date you file the motion) to cease child support. On the date of the court date, you both appear before a judge and he/she will ask the Custodial Parent if this is his/her wishes. The Custodial Parent will then answer according to how they see fit. The Custodial Parent can also at that time request that all monies owed to him/her from back support that the Absent Parent has not yet satisfied be forgotten. This will clear the slate for the Absent Parent as far as arrears is concerned. Note, this will not clear any monies owed to the State that the Custodial Parent may have received i.e. TANF. You, the Absent Parent, will still be held responsible for paying this back and your child support will continue-only for repayment of State funds received on behalf of the child-until paid in full.

Can a parent get child support from NY Tanf from another and then take your taxes if you are not in arrears?

Question is not clear, but tax refunds and other payments are intercepted only if there is an arrearage. If the child receives TANF, the State retains the support payments as reimbursement.

In Minnesota Can the biological mother request relinquished parental rights if the biological father does not pay child support but does make contact?

I am a divorced mother of two from Minnesota. The Statute for family law is pretty clear that parenting time and child support are not all inclusive, meaning if the court awards paranting time to the non-custodial parent and orders the non custodial parent to pay child support but child support is not being paid that parent can still exercise their parenting time. Recommendation: It is not a good child focused decision to deny parenting time to the non custodial parent just because that parent refuses to pay child support. Work with your county child support office for collection of arrears. The child(ren) should not be put in the middle of personal grown up stuff like that. The child(ren) have the right to see and spend time with both parents.

How can a non custodial parent get reinburst from welfare when the custodial parent collects under false pretences?

"reimbursed" ... Not clear whether you mean collects welfare or collects child support, but in either case the answer is, the State will not reimburse the NCP.

Can one spouse request a temporary debt child support and visitation order done again before it is effective?

I can answer questions about child support and related issues, as I am a retired State Child Support Enforcement Director. However, the question being asked is not clear enough for me to address. In general the issue of child support and visitation orders are two separate and independent issues. The law requires a non custodial parent to pay child support. If the non custodial parent is working in most cases the law requires the employer to withhold the child support from the non custodial parents pay check. All custodial parents can have their State's child support case, or a search for a missing non custodial parent be administered by their State's Child Support Enforcement Office (every State has one). Their may be a small fee charged depending on the State. Once you are living separately from an absent parent, married or not he/she is required to pay child support. Custody and visitation orders are in most States.handled through Family Court and an individual parent must file legal documents through the court for custody and visitation orders to be resolved In most cases an attorney is needed.

Can a custodial parent request that child support and arrearages be dropped?

No she can not drop child support. But she can go and get a prosage package. That reduces the amount of money he has to pay for child support. If you don't want him to pay child support at all then why don't he pay it and you give it back to him yourself the next time you guys see each other. She can visit her local domestic relations office. There is a form (i can't recall the name of it) that the plaintiff completes to state she no longer wishes to receive child support from the defendent. Or depending on the situation you can request that the noncustodial parent relinquish his rights to the child. An attorney told me that after my wife and I divorced she could write me receipts stating that I had paid her. That way the non-custodial parent is in the clear from back support if anyone should change their mind. Yes, in Michigan a mother or father can stop child support payments that is owed to them, but not what is owed to the state. They simply would have to go to the FOC office and fill out a form or just write out on paper. The father should be aware that the referre or judge will try to convince the mother not to do so.

What are legal grounds to terminate parent rights in Colorado?

Clear evidence of child abuse

Can you get reimbursed for child support payments?

I can't imagine where such reimbursement would come from. If the obligated parent has documentation that he or she has overpaid his or her child support they have the legal right to request reimbursement from the custodial payment and/or state agency. If the person and/or agency refuses the obligated parent can initiate a civil suit to recover the monies paid. However, there must be clear and indisputable evidence that an over payment has been made.

Two different child support orders how can you survive?

You must tell the judge and make things clear that it is beyond your means to support two different child support.

What if you are 19 and you have a dad that has not paid you for 19 years?

It is not clear what you mean, but if you are talking about your dad not paying child support for 19 years, you should talk it over with your mother. She is the one who could answer your questions about why he didn't pay. Let me help the person with the real answer. Don't bother talking to your mother about "why he didn't pay". You, as the child that support was owed, can get back support & restitution from the "deadbeat" parent. There are a ton of Family Advocacy services that would be happy to help you. If you happen to have access to the original orders case number, then you can even go to the State Attorney General's office &they will collect the "back-support" that's owed for you. The father owes you nothing, child support goes to the parent. If your mother wants retroactive child support she has to petition the court, not you.