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Under most disability plans if you were on disability prior to termination the benefit continue. Most companies will not terminate you if they believe the disability is short term because they expose themselves to potential liability for wrongfull termination.

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Q: Can you collect disability insurance after being laid off from work if you already had a claim and where on it?
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Can alcoholics collect disability insurance?

Some disability insurance policies will cover drug & alcohol as any other disability, but usually limit the benefits to maximum 24 month. If you had a disability insurance prior to being disabled from work due to alcoholism, and the policy did not specifically exclude drug & alcohol disabilities, you may be entitled to disability benefits.

Can you collect temporary disability due to alcohol related job loss?

If you have had a disability insurance policy in place at the time you lost your job due to alcoholism, and are being treated for this condition, following a recovery program prescribed by your doctor, you can qualify to receive disability benefits.

Can an employee collect disability for being pregnant?

Short Term Disability will pay a benefit for missed work due to pregnancy complications if your doctor indicates that you are unable to work.

Can child support be deducted from social security disability insurance?

Only arrears. Child Support payments should be adjusted to match what amount already being paid the residential parent by SSD, which is not deducted from the main payment.

If you are determined partially disabled by a Workman's Compensation physician can you also collect disability insurance?

It would depend on your disability insurance plan. Some plans exclude work-related disabilities. If your plan excludes work-related disabilities, then you would initially be denied through your disability insurance. You should still file a claim with them however. If your Worker's Compensation claim ends up being denied though, you could then forward a copy of the denial letter to your disability insurance carrier for review of possible approval. If your plan does not exclude work-related disabilities, then you would be able to file both claims. You would just want to make sure that when filing, each carrier knew about the other. Keep in mind, the benefit you receive through Worker's Compensation will be a direct offset to the benefit provided by the disability insurance.

If you are on maternity leave from work and your employer will allow you to work from home can you collect short term disability too?

Being pregnant is not a short term disability issue and definitely was not caused by a work place incident.

Is attention deficit disorder an eligible disability to collect SSI?

No, I came across multiple stories on the web of people being denied such claims.

Are private disability claim checks taxable in AZ?

Taxation of disability benefits from a private disability insurance policy are based on whether the premiums are being expensed or not. Assuming that the premiums are not expensed and you are paying with after-tax dollars, your benefits will not be taxable.

Does someone on Social Security Disability have to pay taxes on an auto insurance settlement?

The auto insurance settlement wouldn't be taxable unless you realize a gain from it. Being on Social Security Disability doesn't exempt you from paying any taxes that may be due as a result.

If a child was already receiving ssi prior to medicaid disability being approved how will that change his ssi benefits?

There will be no effect.

If someone has nystagmus can they receive disability?

If the Nystagmus condition this person has is severe enough, then yes they can qualify for Disability benefits. However it is not the simple fact of having Nystagmus that will enable them to receive Disability benefits.Disability insurance companies and Social Security disability do not look at the specific condition a claimant has, but more so the effect this condition has on the person's ability to work. Disability insurance will only pay benefits when a person is prevented from working due to an illness or injury.Therefore, if the Nystagmus prevents a person from being able to work, then depending on the Disability insurance policy they have, there is a good chance they can qualify for benefits. If the Nystagmus causes does not prevent the person from being able to work, then they will not be eligible for benefits.

How long do you have to be off of antidepressants before being approved for disability insurance?

AnswerMaybe a year, BUT there is no black and white answer to this question. It would depend on the company, which medications, why you were on them, etc. Your health is the most important thing. Do NOT let an Insurance Company dictate what your MD should be telling you. What kind of disabilty Insurance? How much? Many policies are guaranteed issue. For more info see you want to be on disability, why is being on an antidepressant a bad thing? My disability is depression; so, I'm on antidepressants. What state do you live in? Is this for SSDI, or a state disability insurance program. Are you talking about regular medical insurance? If you are, try not to let them know you were on antidepressants at all! HMOs love rejecting you for any reason.