

Best Answer

Dandruff is a fungal infection so it will always be there. You have to get a medical shampoo. Just combing it out wont work since it's in your scalp.

-Unfortunately, dandruff is not just an ordinary problem, dandruff is caused by a fungi called M.furfur, specifically M.globosa. to know more about it you can visit this link, it will all answer your problem about dandruff It's better reading the article to know how to battle dandruff.

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Q: Can you comb out dandruff
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Related questions

Why should you have and use your own comb?

using of your comb will prevent the chances of getting dandruff.

How do you remove dandruff easily from hairs?

head and shoulders shampoo and comb it regularly to get it out.

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What kind of comb is healthy for people?

Wooden combs, especially boxwood combs, are healthy for the scalp and body. Boxwood's texture is strong, and the buxine has the ability of resisting fungi. So usually the boxwood comb can be anti-dandruff.

What is the yellowish scum on a baby's scalp?

It is called cradle cap - a type of dandruff. Rub some olive oil into the baby's head and then comb the stuff out.

Why is it considered rude to comb your hair at the table?

Talk with your family more! Its alright only if you alone, but so not cool during you dinner. hair and dandruff can get in the food.

Is dandruff transferable?

Dry skin on the scalp is a condition which is actually caused due to a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is the person has dandruff. Dandruff is caused by having a fungus called malassezia on your scalp. It's often treated with an anti-fungal shampoo containing selenium or zinc pyrithione.Although it is believed that you can get dandruff from someone else, there is no proof to support this, but it is highly recommended that you do not share things that you put on your head like your hat, hairbrush, or comb due to the possibility of catching dandruff or head lice among other;dr maybe

What is the plural of dandruff?

Dandruff is used as a plural and a singular. The word is used to describe one speck of dandruff or lots of dandruff.

How can you moisturize your hair?

either a good conditioner or babyoil or lotion and message the scalp and hair gently and then thuroughly rince it out cause if not it'll dry out and be like huge flakes of dandruff and you need a lice comb to get it out.

How do you decrease dandruff?

Use dandruff shampoo

What steps should be taken to improve a dandruff situation?

To improve a dandruff sitution you should use a simple dandruff shampoo. Ex. Head and sholder dandruff control.

Can you use the word dandruff in a sentence?

My dandruff fell on your face.