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Cosigning on a loan has nothing to do with having a drivers lincense. You are just agreeing to pay the loan if the primary person does not. You are not driving the car. The only thing a lender is interested in is your ability to pay the loan.

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Q: Can you cosign for a auto loan in Pennsylvania without ever having a drivers license?
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Can a person without a drivers license cosign for someone?


Does a cosigner need a driver's license?

You need a lisence to drive the car, but not to cosign a loan.

Can you cosign for a car if you do not have a license?

Yes. The ability to legally operate a vehicle is not a prerequisite for ownership of one.

Can someone without a job co-sign on a car?

Yes, a person without a job can cosign on a car loan. However, the person must have great credit before they can cosign.

Can your husband cosign on a car loan with a suspended license?

ok Should not be a problem. A car loan is about credit, not driving.

Can you cosign without your name being on the car just the car loan?


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The cosign of pi is -1

If you're currently unemployed and your fiance wants to cosign and make the payments on a used car but he lost his license due to a DWI can he still cosign for you?

Whether he lost his licence doesn't matter. What matters is that he is making money and is able to pay if you default on the loan. It also helps if he has good credit.

How many time can you cosign a car?

how many times can someone cosign a car

How does cosigning for an auto loan affect your ability to get your own auto loan?

Never cosign a loan. While I agree that one should NOT cosign. cosigning can hurt or help. Remember that if they do not pay you have to. Cosigning will affect your credit and count towards your debt to income ratio and show as an open joint auto loan. You might be turned down to get your own auto loan without a cosigner if you cosign.

Do you have to be a relative to cosign? father cosigned for me,but the bank told me that anybody could cosign..good luck to you.

When might two people need to cosign an agreement?

Two people would need to cosign an agreement when for example, parents need to cosign the loan application for their child or to help a friend in need.