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Q: Can you cut radial symmetry in half?
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What are two main types of animal symmetry?

There are two main types of animal symmetry: bilateralsymmetry and radial symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when you cut the object in half, it looks the same on both sides: Humans, cats, dogs, butterflies Radial symmetry is when it has body parts all around coming out of the middle: Sea Urchins, coral, sea anemones There are two main types of animal symmetry: bilateral symmetry and radial symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when you cut the object in half, it looks the same on both sides: Humans, cats, dogs, butterflies Radial symmetry is when it has body parts all around coming out of the middle: Sea Urchins, coral, sea anemones

How do the two body plans of cnidarians different?

Radial symmetry is like spokes on a wheel. Bilateral symmetry is like a human body, cut in half (2).

Can animals with radial symmetry divided in half?


What can you infer about an animal based on its symmetry?

you can tell if an animal have bilateral symmetry if you cut the animal in half, (hypothetically) and both sides are the same

What characteristic do animals have if they have radial symmetry?

Radial symmetry is when, for example, you can cut an organism in any way,and both ends would be directly the same. For example, if you cut a jellyfish in half, both sides would be the same. An easier example to remember is if you have a round chocolate cake and you slice it in half, both sides would be the same in shape.

Do beavers have bilateral symmetry or radial symmetry?

bilateral symmetry

Does a sea cucumber have radial symmetry?

radial symmetry

Does a jellyfish have bilateral symmetry radial symmetry or asymmetrical symmetry?

Jelly fish are radial symmetrical

What symmetry does hydra have?

Hydra are symmetrical radially from the top

What kind of symmetry does a jellyfish have?

Jellyfish have radial symmetry.Jellyfish are a part of a group called Cnidarians and the have Radial Symmetry.radial symmatry. . . Means all planes about longitudinal axis wil give you two equal halves. .

What is radial symmetry?

When something has symmetry in a radial (circular) pattern.

Are horses bilateral or radial symmetry?

horses are radial symmetry