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"Dating" isn't the problem. You can go to a movie, dinner, play Golf, even go swimming... but if you do much more than that you can be arrested for "statutory rape". No, not likely. The laws are very clear about 18 and older. Still if your 30 besides for the sex what possibly could you have in common with a 18 year old. They are just beginning to form there future and yours should be half way there already. Stick with people your own age then there are no problems.

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Q: Can you date a minor and not get in trouble?
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Yes since Joe Jonas is an adult he cannot date a minor.

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If your phone has pornographic pictures of a minor, or you are a minor, you can get into trouble.

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Whether you're an adult wanting to date a minor,or a minor wanting to date an adult - either way,the adult member of the pair could find themselves in serious trouble -EPECIALLY if the word "dating" is being used to mean "having sex with." Additionally: If the minor's parents/guardian object, they could go to court and have the adult barred from having contact with their child.

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Yes but if the minor is below age of consent and you have sex it will be statutory rape.

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Yes, a minor lying is not a defense.

Can the parents of a minor get a boy over 18 in trouble with the law for them dating even if they wait to date when shes 18?

If they wait till she is eighteen they can't do anything about it. but if they date before then then yes.

If a minor buys beer can he get in trouble for sharing with other minors?

They all can get in trouble and the seller too.

Me and a guy have a 'thing' for each other He is 17 and lives in Texas I am 13 and I live in Georgia Is there any way we could legally get in trouble for dating?

Not if you date online only. Also, it isn't illegal for two minors to date. And it isn't illegal for a minor and an adult over the age of 18 to date. It's illegal for them to have sex, specifically, it is illegal for the person over 18 to have sex with a minor.

Who is held responsible if a minor gets in trouble?

their parents or guardians

Can a sixteen year old date a twenty year old without parental consent in the state of Nevada?

No. A minor is not allowed to see someone if the parents/legal guardians say no or I should say the 20yo can get into trouble for not staying away from the minor if the parents say so.

What trouble can a minor get in if he hits an adult And the minor is 17?

He will probably be charged as an adult and face trial for assault and battery.

Are you in trouble if my girlfriend is 17 years old and pregnant and you are 23 years old?

Yes you are in trouble. You are an adult and she is a minor.