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You can draw unemployment and Social Security at the same time in all states (4 states will offset your unemployment by a portion of your SS benefits). All states have separate requirements, though, when it comes to pensions, 401k's, IRA's, etc. so you need to contact your own state regarding those non-SS type of retirement programs.

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13y ago

If you previously worked and have taken a job that pays less than the percentage of unemployment you are allowed to collect (typically less than 50% depending on local laws), unemployment may pay the difference (provided that you qualify for unemployment, which is a separate matter).

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Q: Can you draw retirement and draw unemployment to?
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Can you draw unemployment and job retirement in Oklahoma?

Probably not because retirement implies not seeking work and that is one of the requirements to be able to receive unemployment benefits.

Can you draw unemployment and retirement at the same time in Florida?

You can draw from the various retirement plans and unemployment, but if you mean you're going to retire, that would violate the conditions of having to constantly seek full time employment and would make you ineligible.

Can you draw retirement and unemployment in Alabama?

If you mean "regular" retirement, then no. You have to be actively seeking full-time employment, among other requirements. If retired, you are considered out of the labor force. Now, if you mean Social Security as your "retirement", then yes, as long as you qualify for both programs.

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Receipt of Medicare should not affect your UIB eligibility. However, receipt of SSA or other retirement benefits will affect your UIB.

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Can you draw social security at 60 years old?

You can't draw unemployment if you are permanently retiring. To qualify for those benefits you have to be ready, able, willing, and actively seeking full time employment, which you don't do in retirement.

If you live in NC and work in SC which state do i draw unemployment from?

If you work in SC then you don't need to draw unemployment. You, umm, work.

What are the states that allow you to draw both unemployment and Social Security?

You can draw both unemployment and Social Security in all 50 states.

In Kansas can you draw unemployment if hours cut from 40 to 32?

In Kansas, you can not draw unemployment if your hours are cut from 40 hours to 32 hours. Unemployment can be drawn if your fired, not just for a cut in hours.

Can a divorced women not remarried draw on her exhusbands retirement if they were married for 14 years?

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