

Can you drink milk after your baby tooth is pulled out?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Can you drink milk after your baby tooth is pulled out?
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Can you drink milk after having a tooth pulled?

Oh yes!! Ice cream is your friend when you have your teeth pulled out! You need to have cold foods like ice cream and popcicles and yogurt and stuff like that.

What does the tooth fairy drink?

the tooth fairy drink milk

Can baby dwarf hamsters drink milk that you drink?

No, they can only drink their mother's milk.

Do baby elephants drink milk?

Almost all baby mammals drink milk. Is an elephant a mammal? I think so.

Can an adult ever lost a tooth and then another tooth grows back in its place?

Depending on why you lost your tooth, if you never lost all of your baby teeth (just because you have teeth under your baby onesdoesn't mean your going to lose them (two of my teeth were growing in a way they wouldn't push my baby teeth out and at 17 I got them pulled and within a month they were fully grown in)) and your tooth eventually falls out because of the pressure from the tooth growing under it, or if by chance the tooth that you "accidentally lost" is a baby tooth, AND there is a tooth under it then yes. Other wise no. Go to a dentist. You actually born with tooth buds inside your gums, your milk tooth buds are almost completed forming but the adult teeth have only started. The reason your milk teeth fall out is because the adult tooth bud has finished growing and crushes the root of the milk tooth. Some people are born without adult tooth buds. Count yourself lucky :/

What milk can baby ferrets drink?

Milk from the mother ferret.

What is the tooth fairy's favorite drink?

Milk, it builds strong teeth.

Why do newborn dogs drink milk?

because it is a mammal and all mammals drink milk as a baby.

Do you Feed horses milk?

Only baby horses or foals drink milk and it is best for them to drink only their mothers milk.

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only baby milk

Do horese drink milk?

Like all mammals, baby horses drink milk their mothers produce.

Do baby chimpanzees drink milk from their mother?

Leopard cubs drink the milk from their mothers.