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You may drink cool liquids as soon as you get home. Do not chew or take in hot liquids until your numbness has subsided (this may take up to 14 hours). It is sometimes advisable, but not required, to confine the first day's intake to bland liquids or pureed foods (puddings, yogurt, applesauce, milkshakes, etc.). Avoid foods like nuts, sunflower seeds, popcorn, chips, etc., that may get lodged in the socket areas. Over the next several days you can progress to solid foods at your own pace (pastas, soft vegetables, eggs, fruits, ground meats, etc.). Liquid intake should consist of juices, milkshakes, water and/or soda pop - anything to reach 8-12 glasses of liquid a day with the exception of alcohol. Alcohol and drugs do not mix! Alcohol also increases the possibility of prolonged bleeding. Increase liquids if solid food intake is less than normal. Using straws is not advisable in the immediate post op period HOWEVER if this is the only way you can comfortably take in fluids - use the straw. Do not spit.

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