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Go for it theres no probem drinking your own blood but if you drink others he might have a disease and send it to you....

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2w ago

Drinking your own blood is not recommended as it can introduce harmful bacteria or viruses into your body. Additionally, consuming blood can lead to iron toxicity. If you are bleeding, it is important to seek medical attention rather than attempting to drink your own blood.

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Q: Can you drink your own blood?
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How does drinking blood affect you?

Drinking blood can be harmful to your health as it can introduce pathogens, bacteria, and toxins into your system. It can also lead to iron toxicity and other complications. In addition, drinking blood can have psychological and emotional consequences.

What is a heamatoma?

A hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel, usually due to injury or trauma. It can result in localized swelling and discoloration of the skin, known as a bruise. Hematomas often resolve on their own as the body reabsorbs the trapped blood.

What can you drink if you suffer from high blood pressure?

If you suffer from high blood pressure, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Limiting or avoiding alcohol and beverages high in caffeine can also be beneficial in managing high blood pressure. Adding herbal teas, low-sodium vegetable juices, and low-fat milk to your beverage choices can help support a heart-healthy diet.

How many liters of blood in an adults body?

An average adult has about 5-6 liters of blood in their body. This blood circulates through the body and carries essential nutrients and oxygen to cells, while also removing waste products. Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.

Do coconut water increase bad cholesterol?

There is limited research on the direct effect of coconut water on cholesterol levels. Coconut water is low in fat and cholesterol and contains potassium and antioxidants, which may have some cardiovascular benefits. However, if you have concerns about your cholesterol levels, it is best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Related questions

Is it bad to drink your own blood?

You can drink a pint of your own blood without getting sick.. but it's not a wise thing to do.

What do werewolfes drink?

Werewolves drink water and the blood of their animal kills. NOT OUR OWN!!!

What disease can you get if you drink your own blood?

If you don't already have a disease drinking your own blood won't give you one. And if you do already have a disease it doesn't matter is you drink you own blood or not, you still have it. Now doing this may make you anemic (low on blood) for a time if you drink a lot of your own blood. But food, proper nutrition, and digestion will quickly mend this condition. Beside that blood is quite nutritious.

What kind of sickness is that you drink your own blood?


If other vampires don't drink blood what do they drink?

they would've drink their own blood ,or they drink water it has all the same nutritions blood has for a vampire it just tastes less enjoyible than blood sorryt if i mis spelled stuff hehe

How do drink your own blood?

Get a knife. Cut one of your veins. Put your mouth over it. Drink. :)

Is it strange to drink your own period blood?

yes it is very strange

What happens if a man drinks his own blood?

you dont drink your blood so you dont find out! =O

Will Edwards and Bellas child drink her own blood?

No, she drinks the blood of animals just like all of the other vampires.

Why do vampire drink blood?

Vampires are real in the world.Vampires have to drink blood but, they do not really drink HUMAN blood they drink cow blood,really just animal blood...And y'all probaelly won't believe me but Edward off of NEW MOON IS A REAL VAMPIRE IT WAS ON THE NEWS!

Can dogs suck blood?

they can't 'suck' the blood, but they can drink it if they want to.

Is it normal to like the taste of your own blood?

No no no humans are not made to drink blood that is y it is already inside of you there is no point to drink your blood that is creepy you freak y do you drink your own blood!!!!!! Bi bi ppls that read this!!!! It's unessary to call someone that likes the taste of there own blood. I believe that it's normal, like a form of hemovore, because i to like the tastwe of blood, I mean, were NOT the only ones, so that doest make us freaks Of course it is normal to like the taste of your own blood. I mean, it's inside you and your gonna taste it sooner or later. I like the taste of my own blood and I've met people who hate the taste of it.