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You can drink a pint of your own blood without getting sick.. but it's not a wise thing to do.

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Q: Is it bad to drink your own blood?
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Can you drink your own blood?

Drinking your own blood is not recommended as it can introduce harmful bacteria or viruses into your body. Additionally, consuming blood can lead to iron toxicity. If you are bleeding, it is important to seek medical attention rather than attempting to drink your own blood.

What do werewolfes drink?

Werewolves drink water and the blood of their animal kills. NOT OUR OWN!!!

What disease can you get if you drink your own blood?

If you don't already have a disease drinking your own blood won't give you one. And if you do already have a disease it doesn't matter is you drink you own blood or not, you still have it. Now doing this may make you anemic (low on blood) for a time if you drink a lot of your own blood. But food, proper nutrition, and digestion will quickly mend this condition. Beside that blood is quite nutritious.

What kind of sickness is that you drink your own blood?


If other vampires don't drink blood what do they drink?

they would've drink their own blood ,or they drink water it has all the same nutritions blood has for a vampire it just tastes less enjoyible than blood sorryt if i mis spelled stuff hehe

How do drink your own blood?

Get a knife. Cut one of your veins. Put your mouth over it. Drink. :)

Is drowning in your own blood bad?


Is it bad to eat your own blood?

no cause it go back down your own body where the blood come from

Is it strange to drink your own period blood?

yes it is very strange

What happens if a man drinks his own blood?

you dont drink your blood so you dont find out! =O

How does a liver helps the body?

it filters out the blood of bad things, ex: when you drink alcohol, it cleans the alcohol from the blood.

Can you die if you drink urea?

It can cause a build up of Urea salts in your blood, which is bad.