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yes why not!! it is rich in vitamin C.

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Q: Can you eat amla during pregnancy?
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Related questions

Is amla beneficial and safe to eat during pregnancy?

Yes you can consume amla in pregnancy.

Is it ok to drink amla juice during pregnancy?

Before start taking amla juice in pregnancy, consult Ayurvedic practitioner. Person with particular dosha can not take amla juice during pregnancy. They can take amla in difft form such as amla candy, or chyavanprash. Amla is good for growth of to be born child. It improves skin texture, good hair and gives good immune system to baby. My wife took regularly amla juice during pregnancy and our daughter is having very good skin, hair and now at the age of 2 she likes amla juice. Also pregnant lady should take shatavari, very good for both child and mother.

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Do birds eat fly's?

no they dont amla

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Yes, you can eat walnuts during pregnancy! Rather it is a good idea to eat walnut during pregnancy as they boost brain development and stave off nausea.

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you can eat...

Is it safe to eat cooked fresh mushroom during pregnancy?

yes.. cook and eat... mushrooms have zinc and is good during pregnancy..

Can you eat frankincense during pregnancy?

we can eat it but 3.5 gram

Can we eat strawberrys during pregnancy?

Yes We can eat

What happens when you eat meat when you're pregnant?

You can safely eat horse meat during pregnancy. It is totally safe to eat the same during pregnancy.

Is brinjals and sweet potatoes safe to eat during pregnancy?

yes both are good during pregnancy