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Q: Can you eat avocado if you have high cholesterol?
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What are cholesterols?

cholesterol can make you have high cholesterol. then, when the doctor catches it. they say you have high cholesterol. then you can't really eat anything with cholesterol.

Would a high cholesterol diet make my cholesterol get to high?

Depending on the types of food that you eat, you may or may not have high cholesterol. If you're not sure about how much cholesterol is in the food you eat, either check the labeling or ask the manager of the restaurant for information regarding the food's cholesterol.

Why are white people obsessed with avocados?

High avocado intake was shown in one preliminary study to lower blood cholesterol levels

Are chicken wings high in bad cholesterol?

It is not the chicken meat that adds to high cholesterol, but the skin. Eat skinless chicken.

What are the best foods to eat to lower cholesterol?

Any non-animal product will be cholesterol-free. So add fruits, vegetables and grains to your diet. And speaking of grains, make sure they are high fiber grains -- think brown vs. white. Oatmeal has been shown to also lower cholesterol. Answer2: Try high fiber foods like lentils, beans, garlic, oatmeal, apples, psyllium husk fiber capsules or powder, berries, avocado. Good health to you.

Can you eat vegetarian cheese if cholesterol level is high?


Should someone with high cholesterol eat bananas?

Bananas are a good food for someone with high cholesterol. The high levels of potassium are a great help for healthy heart action which can be affected by high cholesterol.

Does avocado has cholesterol?

No. It does have a type of fat that is now considered to lower the bad type of cholesterol in your body

Can you eat avocado on lighter life?

No sadly not due to the high fat content :(

Can a person with high blood pressure eat pork?

You shouldn't if you have high cholesterol.

How can I get healthy cholesterol levels?

You could eat better and don't eat cheese. Also some nut have high cholesterol. If you eat cereal every morning it could help. Last try not to eat that have trans fat or cholesterol.