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It may not taste as fresh as within-date shredded wheat, but it will not be harmful to eat it.

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Q: Can you eat honey nut shredded wheat 2 years out of date but sealed?
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Analyze how Nabisco has managed the product life cycle of Shredded Wheat over the years?

Nabisco originally bought the Shredded Wheat product from the Shredded Wheat Company in 1904. Nabisco sold the brand to Kraft in 1993 but continued to market it under the Nabisco name until 1999.

Can honey still be good for over 100 years?

Yes. Provided it is kept in a sealed container, and its water content is less than 20 per cent, honey will keep indefinitely. It may crystallise, but all honey will do that eventually. Honey has been found in Egyptian tombs, sealed in jars some three thousand years ago -- and it was still edible.

Does honey spoil?

Many would say, "Never. Honey has an indefinite shelf life."That is true only if the honey is stored sealed and at proper temperatures. Temperatures over 81°F degrade the honey and could start fermentation. See Related Links.--There has been honey found in the pyramids from ancient times, and all it needs is to be heated, and it's good enough to eat again.Forever!They found some honey in vessels dating from Ancient Egypt era and it was still eatable!Honey will crystallize, but if it is kept tightly stored it can last forever.That is true only if the honey is stored sealed and at proper temperatures. Temperatures over 81°F degrade the honey and could start fermentation. See Related Links.It can crystalize ,but not spoil,because it cannot have bacteria in it.

How long does bee honey last in a jar?

In a sealed jar honey will last indefinitely. Honey has been found in Egyptian tombs which was 2,000 to 3,000 years old and still in good condition. Honey that has been kept for some time tends to go cloudy and thicken. The honey is not 'going off', this is a perfectly normal process where the sugars are starting to crystalize out of solution. You can restore the honey to its original condition by gently warming the jar in a bowl of hot water. Be careful not to overheat the honey because that will spoil it.

Why can honey be kept for a long time?

Honey is a very pure substance and needs no preservatives. It is a saturated, or even super-saturated, sugar solution with a water content of around 17 per cent. It is hygroscopic and any bacteria entering honey are dessicated and killed. For the same reason, mould spores are unable to develop. As long as honey is kept in a sealed container to prevent it absorbing water from the atmosphere, it can be stored for many years. Indeed, honey has been discovered in a sealed pot in an Egyptian pyramid and was still edible. The anti-bacterial properties of honey have been known for centuries. One of the first things the Romans used to do when then invaded a new area was to commandeer honey from the local hives to use as a wound dressing. Researchers are again looking into the use of honey to deal with some skin infections.

Years wheat pennies?

Wheat pennies were minted from 1909 to 1958.

Where was honey developed?

Bees have been producing honey for thousands of years.

How much years can honey last?

a hundred years

What is the value of a 1025 wheat penny?

Wheat pennies were not made for close to 900 years after this.

Who is the inventor of honey?

No-one invented honey. Bees have been making it for millions of years.

When was honey born?

If you mean the use of honey that goes back over 5,000 years. All ancient cultures used honey to sweeten foods.

How old is miss honey?

Type your answer here... miss honey from Matilda is 23 years old.