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Q: Can you eat lentils when taking warfrin?
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What is the healthiest food to eat that is filling?

Spinach or Lentils.

Can dogs eat lentils?

Dogs can eat lentils without any complications. In most cases, it is recommended that you should feed your dog with a little bit of everything edible.

Why do Moroccans eat lentils?

Surprising as it may seem, Moroccans do not eat lintels, nor do they eat the doors whose frames the lintels support. Moroccans, like most humans, find wood and stone inedible and therefore do not try to consume them. If you meant "lentils" instead of "lintels", then the reason why Moroccans eat lentils is because of the protein value and relative inexpensiveness as compared with meat.

What do families eat on mount Everest?

Rice, lentils, chapatti,

Can you eat boiled lentils if they are left out overnight?

They may be unsafe to eat if left out overnight and should be thrown out.

Can you stop taking warfrin?

You should not stop taking warfarin except on your doctor's recommendation as your blood will become more likely to clot potentially leading to serious health problems such as pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis.

What kind of food do people in the alps eat?

Lentils, Rice, and Curried Vegetables.

What to avoid while on warfrin?

warfarin and swordfih

What did the Miami Indian tribe eat?

corn bean squash rice lentils buffalo