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Yes. While there is no hard evidence that any particular food can cause or contribute to Crohn's disease or other types of IBD but they may exacerbate symptoms and should be avoided. Once the disease has developed, special attention to diet may help reduce symptoms, replace lost nutrients, and promote healing. Crohn's is associated with diarrhea and poor absorption of dietary protein, fat, carbohydrates, and water. Pasta is a good bland source of carbohydrates easily digested. It should be noted that the appetite is often reduced in people with Crohn's disease and that chronic diseases tend to increase the energy or caloric needs of the body. In other words, you should eat whatever and when ever you can tolerate when having a flare up of Crohns. Long time sufferers will often tell you a "craving" for certain foods often precedes an episode or flare.

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Q: Can you eat pasta if you have Crohn's Disease?
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With colitis, there are foods that you shouldn't eat and foods that you should eat. Some foods you should eat are fatty greasy or fried foods and sauces (butter, margarine, and heavy cream), and also limit the dairy you consume.

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There is only one type of Crohns disease. Crohns disease can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract but it is the same disease no matter where it appears.

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There is no know cause of Crohns disease at this time. Research is ongoing as to the causes of Crohns disease.

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No. Drug abuse history has never been linked to Crohns disease. Children as young as 3 can develop Crohns disease. Crohns is not something you have done to yourself.

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The Crohns Disease Activity Index is a questionnaire used in research to help measure how the disease is affecting the patient.

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What is included in the crohns diet?

The Crohns diet is a low residue diet. More information aboyt this diet is available at:

Can you eat fruit if you have both Crohns and Celiac disease?

Yes, fruit, vegetables, and meats are very safe and probably the best thing to eat.

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How can crohns disease be prevented?

Because Crohns disease has not been fully researched as to the causes, it cannot be prevented. Once diagnosed, the disease can be managed but never cured.