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Potatoes contain toxic compounds known as glycoalkaloids, a poison affects the nervous system causing weakness and confusion. These compounds are generally concentrated in its leaves, stems, sprouts, and fruits. So, no, you should not eat the green parts of a potato plant.

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You don't eat things like rhubarb leaves or the green bit of a potato plant because they are not edible and are therefore not food. They contain poisonous chemicals.

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Q: Can you eat the green parts of a potato plant?
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Can hamster eat potatoes?

Yes they can! They cannot eat the skin, green parts, or any wilted/old parts of a potato.

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Would I die if I ate a potato?

No, potatoes form the staple diet of many countries. However the potato plant (the green bits) is slightly poisonous and a potato left in the sun to go green is not good to eat.

Is raw potato poisonous to humans?

The raw potato is crunchy and delicious, BUT do not eat the uncooked peel or any other green part of the plant . . . these are poisonous.

What part of a sweet potato plant do you eat?

The part of the sweet potato plant that you eat is the root. The entire root is edible.

Can you eat a budding potato?

Yes, the green stuff is natural--just don't eat the green part, the rest is fine. (alternate answer) Potato skin often has a greenish tinge because it is the root of a plant which grows green leaves for photosynthesis. Don't eat green mold, but in most cases, the green in the potato skin is just chlorophyll, and is perfectly safe to eat.

Why does the green bit of a potato have to be removed?

The green is caused by exposure to sunlight which causes the outer parts of the potato to turn green, when this happens it indicates an increase in the presence of solanine, a toxic chemical. This is why the green areas should be peeled or cut away and not eaten, the rest of the potato will be OK to eat.

Are potatoes poisonous to snowshoe hares?

Many parts of the potato are poisonous to hares and rabbits (including snowshoe hares), including the eyes on the potato, and any green parts (stems, leaves, shoots etc.) of the potato plant. The white parts of the potato are not poisonous, but they're not healthy (too high in starches) and they're not part of the rabbit's natural diet. You should not give potato to any rabbit or hare. Wild rabbits and hares will not eat your potatoes unless they're starving.

Why should the green part of a potato be removed?

Exposure to sunlight causes the outer parts of the potato to turn green, when this happens it indicates an increase in the presence of solanine, a toxic chemical. The green areas should be peeled or cut away and not eaten, the rest of the potato will be OK to eat.

How does the storage location of a plant to the part of the plant you eat?

The edible parts in a plant may be its fruits, seeds, roots or even leaves. In cereals we eat .grain, in the tuberous plants like potato, we eat the tuber (modified underground stem). That part of the plant which has storage of food is generally located to eat.

Potato is which part of the plant-?

The part of the potato plant we eat is called the tuber, which is actually an enlarged underground stem.

Why are there no chloroplasts in a potato cell?

Potatoes, or the portion of the potato plant we eat, are actually roots. As such, they aren't exposed to sunlight, and since chloroplasts require sunlight to convert energy, it makes sense that the potato cell doesn't have any. The green shoots that go above ground for the potato plant do have chloroplast.