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if you want free stuff then send me an message and i will invite you to lockerz, its an awesome site where you can get free stuff, like for nothing but logging on, you can get ipods, xbox games, and all this cool stuff for just logging on and answering a question ive gotten an iPod touch and madden 10

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Q: Can you exercise in shifts instead of long duration workouts and get the same results?
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Related questions

How often and for how many minutes should you exercise each week?

You should exercise for at least 4 times a week and i suggest 1 hr. Make sure to change up the workouts. To see results faster you should to weight lifting prior to cardio.

How these affected the results of your investment exercise?

There are many things that affect the results of your investment exercise. Demand is one thing that affects the results of an investment exercise.

Perform Longer Exercise to Lose Weight?

When it comes to working out, you have a couple of options. If you want to build muscle, you generally want to do a lot of high-intensity workouts. You may only work out about an hour a day, but it's a very intense sixty minutes. When you exercise to lose weight, on the other hand, you want longer, low-intensity workouts. Try walking, cycling and light weight lifting with more reps if you want to see results.

How can tell me best exercise for ten minute workout?

Insanity or P90x routines are about 10 minutes and have amazing results in as little as 3 months. I urge you to check these DVD's out because they are great short video workouts that really make your fat burn.

What are some good exercises to get slimmer?

In my personal experience cardio is the best exercise to get slimmer. We can do push-ups for chest, pull-ups for back/biceps, lungs and hamstring for legs finally crunches for abs. By doing these workouts we can see more results regarding weight loss.

Should you walk before or after exercise for the best results?

You should walk or stretch before and after exercise, as a warm-up and a cool-down, for the best results.

How do you increase penis by exercise?

Don't bother trying, you have to work really hard for tiny, tiny results. Spend that effort on being nice and attentive to your partner instead and you'll both be happier.

Find Workouts That Tone And Sculpt Around The Stomach?

Exercise is vital to attaining weight loss stomach fat and looking better. While no one exercise can spot tone or burn fat, toning exercises can help with losing extra weight around the stomach. Core exercises help build muscles around the waist and abdomen, which create muscle and burn fat. For many, this improves posture, which can help create the appearance of being slimmer, even when there is still weight to lose. The most effective and popular core workouts include Pilates, swimming, running and floor exercises. Many begin to see results quickly, often within the first few weeks of regular workouts.

If I do p90x twice a day instead of once will I get the same results?

If you do P90x twice a day instead of once, you will not get the same results.

Does the perfect situp really work?

no i cant really feel the burn after a few workouts i dont really like it cause its not giving me results

What is a good weight loss workout that is fast?

riding bikes or playing a sport Try doing some Kettlebell workouts and Pilates is brilliant. I am currently doing both and seeing some great results although I have also started to incorporate my cross trainer into the exercise program. Try it and don't give up! You will get there!!

How often is it recommended to do an ab doer exercise for best results?

it is recommended to do an ab doer exercise 3 times a week for best results. It can have some consequences if you do it everyday. once you start doing exercise do ab doer just 15 times.