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Unfortunately, no -- because these aspects of our Universe are NOT simple.

An apocryphal story has Einstein being asked to explain relativity in one simple sentence. His reply was that he couldn't explain relativity in less than three days, and that, unless one had an understanding of advanced mathematics, none of it would make any sense!

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Q: Can you explain in simple terms the general and special theories of relativity?
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Who formulated relativity?

Albert Einstein formulated the special and general theories of relativity.

Who invention Relativity?

The scientific Theories of General and Special Relativity were first proposed by Albert Einstein.Special Relativity in 1906 and General Relativity in 1916.

Who revolutionized the concept of the universe with theories of special and general activity?

Albert Einstein proposed General and Special Theories of Relativity.

What are some of Einstein's most famous theories?

E=mc² The Special and General Theories of Relativity

What were Einstein's theories?

Special Relativity, General Relativity and the beginnings of Quantum. (understanding the photoelectric effect for example).

Albert Einstein is best known for?

His 2 theories of Special & General Relativity.

How can you use the word theory of relativity in a sentence?

Einstein's theory of relativity encompasses two theories: special relativity and general relativity. The theory of relativity is simply referred to as relativity in the field of physics.

Who had two theories of relativity and was big in quantum mechanics?

Albert Einstein developed the theories of general relativity and special relativity. He also did work in quantum theory. (He won a Nobel prize for his work with light.)

What was Albert Einstein fasmos for?

he thought up the special and general theories of relativity and discovered the photoelectric effect

Author of the theory for relativity?

The Special and General theories of relativity were put forward by Albert Einstein.The theory of relativity is much more ancient and Galileo, amongst others, had a part in it

What are Albert Einstein's famous theories?

e=mc2 2nd Answer: " e-mc^2" is an equation that we know is true, but it is not a theory. Einstein's most famous theories are the Special Theory of Relativity and the General Theory of Relativity.

What were Einsteins contributions?

The related link Wikipedia article lists some. Probably his most famous are his theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity. He laid the groundwork for quantum mechanics and other modern physics concepts.Special Relativity, General Relativity and the beginnings of Quantum Mechanics.