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Q: Can you explain nerve pain of the legs?
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Can the sciatic nerve cause pain in neck left arm and left leg?

No the sciatic nerve only affects the legs.

What causes nerve pain in arms hands legs buttocks abdomen chest?

I dont know, but I have that too.

How would severing the sympathetic nerves to legs help with pain?

Severing the nerve blocks the ability of pain signals to reach the brain. Therefore, the brain can not sense pain.

Where can pain from an irritated sciatic nerve be felt?

Sciatica is felt in the lower back, the buttocks, and the backs of the upper legs.

Is pain down your back or legs while pregnant normal?

The book I grabbed "Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week" by Glade B. Curtis had this to say about: Many women experience an occasional excruciating pain in their buttocks and down the back or side of their legs as pregnancy progresses. This is called sciatic-nerve pain because the sciatic nerve runs behind the uterus in the pelvis to the legs. Pain is believed to be caused by pressure on the nerve from the growing and expanding uterus. The best treatment for the pain is to lie on your opposite side. This helps relieve the pressure on the nerve. I am currently 8 months pregnant and in my 4th month I began gettin sciatic nerve pressure in my pelvic area and running from my back down my legs. The best ways to help with the pain are when lying on your side ALWAYS have a pillow between your legs and it helps to have on behind you supporting your back. Also, when getting dressed, sit down to put on your underwear and pants. Tis is because standing on one leg or lifting one leg can cause the sciatic pain. !

Can lower chronic back pain cause weak legs?

Yes it can because the sciatic nerve runs from the low back down to the sole of the foot. If this nerve is pinched then you can experience weakness in the legs. You need to see your doctor for this symptom.

What would cause legs to feel like nerve endings are on surface causing sensitivity to touch?

I don't know....but my legs are sensitive to the pain just sensitive

Can vagus nerve cause pain in back or legs or hip?

Very Unlikely, as the Vagus Nerves have nothing to do with those areas.

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What Radicular pain originates from what part of a nerve?

Radicular pain is caused by the root of a nerve.

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