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You can, but it will die. You need to feed it KMR kitten formula until it is old enough to be weaned.

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Q: Can you feed new born rabbit from evaporated milk?
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Is it safe to feed a cow evaporated milk?

No, you don't feed any cow any sort of milk. Cows drink water, not milk, and eat hay and grass, not evaporated milk.

Can you feed a baby deer evaporated milk?

No give it breast milk

Is it safe to feed milk to a cow?

No, you don't feed any cow any sort of milk. Cows drink water, not milk, and eat hay and grass, not evaporated milk.

Can you feed baby guinea pigs evaporated milk?

good lord no - consult a vet

Can you feed baby rabbits evaporated milk?

Actually no because it could be bad for the rabbits

Is whole milk richer than evaporated milk?

No. Whole milk has a thinner consistency than evaporated milk.

Can i add evaporated milk to my kittens formula?

No. Go to the pet store and buy milk made for kittens. They even sell little milk bottles to feed them.

What does evaporated mean in evaporated milk?

Evaporated milk means milk with some of the water removed by evaporation to concentrate and thicken it.

Can you feed a new born mouse diluted milk?

i never tried it before but i do not thing you can give it rice milk. why don't you give it evaporated boil the milk and cool it down to make evaporated milk.GOOD LUCK! _____________________________________ _____________________________________ A little bit of rice milk will not harm a mouse but a lot can harm them since they cannot burp of cough. But i agree, evaporated milk is much safer to use.

Can you feed baby kits evaporated can milk?

Actually babies can drink evaporated milk. In the 60's it was frequently fed to infants as formula. They advertised as Dr. recommended. Some people mix infant vitamins in with the milk to add nutrients. Mix 1/2 evap. milk, 1/2 water.

Can you feed a rejected baby rabbit cows milk?

No. No baby rabbits, orphaned or not, should be fed cows milk.

Is sego milk condensed or evaporated?
