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It is not recommended that you do so. Whenever possible you should try to give only fish food to your goldfish. Don't give it food that you eat because it could kill them.

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Q: Can you feed your little goldfish lettuce or rice crispy flakes?
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What happens to restore lettuce to its original condition when you place wilted lettuce in cold water?

Not in ice water but cold water- it gets nice and crispy especially if you add a little bit of sugar

What should you feed your faintail goldfish?

Fish pellets or flakes made specifically for goldfish. Regular fish food doesn't give them the nutrients they need. Occasionally, you can give them a little hard boiled egg yolk as a treat :)

What people foods can goldfish eat?

The best thing for your goldfish is goldfish food... flakes or pellets are good. They can also have blood worms, and Daphnia (water fleas) (both of which can be bought frozen in pet stores) They can also have some green foods such as cucumber in limited amounts.

What foods can goldfish eat?

Since goldfish are omnivores, there is a large variety of different foods you can feed them. To name a few there is the option of brine shrimp, krill, bloodworms, daphnia, tubifex worms, peas, watermelon, squash, oranges, cucumbers, duckweed, and elodea. Please note that it is very important to also feed your goldfish a fortified goldfish food of flakes, pellets, or both.Top 3 Feeding ProblemsHere are the most common problems: overfeeding, feeding only flakes, not cleaning your tank of food.Overfeeding is the most common problem beginners have. You should know that there is no such thing as underfeeding. People feed their fish too much because they love them. If you love your fish that does not mean you have to give it a lot of food.Feeding goldfish no more than they can eat in 2 minutes once a day is the healthy way. They do not need more food than that. Do not be fooled because they can eat large amounts in a short period of time.The next step is to feed your goldfish a varied diet. As a beginner you tend to go for what is best on the market, goldfish flakes. You simply cannot get all the food groups and nutrition in one set of flakes. They contain little or no fiber which can cause constipation. You can feed your fish flakes from time to time, but your goldfish thrives on household foods.Another important thing you need to keep in mind is to always clean your tank of uneaten food. If you do not do this, ammonia levels will start rising and this will make your water toxic.Household FoodsFresh fruit and vegetables are the healthiest food for goldfish. Feeding goldfish this kind of food daily will make them feel better, live longer and have bright colors. Goldfish love brine shrimp, daphnia and blood worms. These give your fish a balanced diet and provide a variety of vitamins, fibers, minerals and everything your goldfish needs.Here are some household foods you should feed your goldfish: peas, spinach, zucchini, boiled Rice, pieces of orange, carrots, cucumbers, beans, corn, lettuce, grapes. You should cut them into small pieces so that your fish do not have digestion problems.Make Your Own RecipesIf you like to cook then you can make your own recipes to feed your goldfish. Gelatin will bind the foods you make and it is high in protein. Making a tasty and well-balanced food is a lot of fun and keeps your goldfish happy.I hope it helps. thanks.

Will catfish eat goldfish flakes?

It depends what kind of Catfish it is. You can put a little in the tank and if the Catfish doesn't eat it than net it out. They will eat frozen foods like Bloodworms usually as long as you thaw them out before feeding it to them.

What goldfish do goldfish eat?

Goldfish are a form of carp. They don't eat other goldfish, but they eat small flies. Sometimes goldfish like to eat tiny tropical critters such as ghost shrimp, but they don't eat other goldfish unless there's a huge size difference or if the other goldfish are frys. Occasionally, goldfish may nip on another goldfish's fins if it is weak. There aren't any specific goldfish that goldfish themselves target.

What do goldfish?

Goldfish flakes and others but I recommend goldfish flakes you can find them at almost any pet store. They can also eat fruits and vegetables like spinach, peas, cucumber, zucchini, carrots, corn, grapes, Oranges, plums, cantaloupe watermelon, and grapefruit All of these foods should be peeled and cut into small piece's Mashing them slightly is also good to do. Goldfish will also enjoy eating krill, brine shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, and daphnia.If you have a fishpond and quite a few large goldfish, try cat food. Just buy a brand that has a spherical pellet so that it is easier for the fish to swallow. I am not an expert, but I have looked at the ingredient lists of big bags of fish food, and I think it is made from the same things as cat food, and I don't think a goldfish has to have a perfect nutritional diet. I have had a 4000 gallon goldfish pond with a complete set up of filters, pumps, etc. for about 12 years. It holds about 12 large goldfish (plus about 100 little ones) that are all descendants of the original fish. The average age of the fish is about 5 years. They all have excellent color and appear to be healthy, happy fish. They get a handful of cat food twice a day.Please do not be surprised or shock when your goldfish don't eat any of the foods in the first paragraph. The old saying "Goldfish will eat anything that fits in its mouth" is only half true. Goldfish have tastebuds around their lips, and all inside their mouth. Goldfish have their likes and dislikes in about everything. My two goldfish both broccoli and lettuce, cabbage, chicken, and tuna, as well as chicken eggs. Please make sure you give your goldfish peas it helps them with digestion.fishflakes

How much fish flakes do you feed an average goldfish please help?

Feed your goldfish only as much as they will eat in about 2 to 3 minutes twice per day. You will be able to get a general idea of how many pinches of food that is after a few days to avoid over or under feeding them.

How many calories in a Little Debbie Rice Crispy Treat?

250 cals

What is Tropical fish flakes?

Tropical fish flakes tend to have more/different contents because they are designed to feed several different species of fish that require a varied diet. Goldfish food is designed for just one species of fish. Since there are both Goldfish food and Tropical food available it is common sense to feed the fish the correct and appropriate foods. The answer therefore is they can and may eat them but they are not the right food for them so eventually the fish will suffer.

What is a little pet you can have until you get your dog?

a goldfish

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I learnt that Red lettuce is okay for your Guinea Pig but Ice Burg lettuce can make them ill!