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Q: Can you feel stress without a stressor?
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How are stressor and stress related?

they have stress

What does a stressor cause within an organism?

A stressor causes stress within an organism, hence the name. A stressor can be a stimulus like a condition within the environment or triggered by a biological or chemical agent which would be the cause of stress to the organism.

What are the streesors?

anything that causes STRESS is a STRESSOR

Any stimulus that produces stress?


An event or situation that causes stress is called a?


What is the difference between a biological stressor and an environment stressor?

A biological stressor is an internal stressor like illness, disability, and injury. An environmental stressor is a condition or event in your physical environment that cause you stress like pollution, poverty, crowding, noise, and natural disasters.

A positive or negative stressor is that causes stress-?

Someone that has stress is a negative for a person. Stress can cause a lot of issues.

How are stress-related illnesses treated?

typically involves one or more stress reduction strategies. Stress reduction strategies generally fall into one of three categories: avoiding stressors; changing one's reaction to the stressor(s); or relieving stress after the reaction to the stressor

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor is known as?


At what point in the stress response is something perceived as a stressor?

The perception of something as a stressor occurs during the primary appraisal stage of the stress response. This is when an individual assesses the potential threat or challenge of a situation. If the individual deems the situation as important or threatening, it will trigger a stress response.

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor is known as what?

Problem focused coping

What can be done to alleviate stress?

One is to remove or at least reduce the stressor, and the other is to increase their resistance to it.