

Can you feel a baby move at 15 weeks?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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17y ago

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Every woman is different. Although it is unlikely in first time mothers, do not completely rule it out. It could also be gas you are feeling.

Most first time Mums feel movement at around 20 weeks, and second time Mums around 16 weeks.

I dont think it honestly matters if you are a first time mom or not! If you understand what is going on with your body im pretty sure anyone can tell between gas and the baby, i dont know about other women because everyone is different but gas and the baby felt different to me. I am a first time mom and I felt my baby around 15 weeks. And after the first day of feeling the baby i felt it more and more everyday. So, it is possible.

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12y ago

Yes it is possible to feel movement at 16 weeks. Don't worry if you don't feel it this soon. It is different for each pregnancy.

Fetal movementsMost women will feel movements in a first pregnancy at around 20 weeks and with second and subsequent pregnancies at around 16 weeks, but as said above it Amy be a bit earlier or later.
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17y ago

If you are slim with not much abdominal fat you may feel your baby move. Most second time Mums feel it at around 16 weeks. First-time around you don't usually feel it until around 19-20 weeks.

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14y ago

It is possible;You probably won't feel your baby kick until around week 16 and 22, even though the baby has been moving since week 7 or 8. You may have already witnessed these movements during an ultrasound. This is often felt as a fluttering feeling or a grasshopper walking across your belly during the first movements.

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15y ago

First time mothers usually feel quickening around 5 months, this varies depending on weight of the mother and what pregnancy this is.

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15y ago

Not usually. Around 4 months you will start to feel flutters--I thought it was gas bubbles. (-:

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13y ago

it is possible but most women that are pregnant for their first time dont experience kicks until their 20th week but it is possible to feel them kick at that low of a week

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Q: Can you feel a baby move at 15 weeks?
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I'm 15 weeks pregnant. And i haven't feel him/her move yet. I'm so excited to feel him/her. Anyways i think you should feel your baby move by 4 to 5 months. ^^

Is everybody different at feelin baby move at 15 weeks?

every pregnancy is different for everyone but if its your first baby you can usually feel faint movement by 18weeks,for subsequent pregnancies you can feel movement as early as 14 weeks.good luck.xxxxxxx

When should the fetus start moving?

A baby starts moving in the beginning but you don't start feeling it until about 15 to 17 weeks along in the pregnancy. At first it will feel like a little gas or small flutters. And then as the weeks go by it will get stronger and more distinctive.

Is it weird to feel your baby move at 5 weeks?

That is way too early to feel the baby move. You may be feeling extra gas, since you are pregnant. Or possibly the muscles stretching and moving. Most people don't feel the baby move until at least 4 months. I dont think this is entirely true. yes no one else can feel the baby kick outside the womb till 4 months or so but I felt my baby moving around at 8 weeks along. I have had 3 pregnancy, 1 life birth and 2 miscarriages. so really it all depends on how many times you have been pregnant. if it is your first time more than likely you are only feeling extra gas or muscles adjusting to your new pregnancy body and baby. I think this is incorrect. Everyone feels their baby move at different times. I have been able to feel my baby move on the inside since 12 weeks and on the outside at 15 weeks because I am so thin and because of the position of the baby. Everyone's body is different, and honestly I would not take advice from other people, you know your body. So my answer is sure it is possible.

When does the baby start moving inside of you?

There is no set time that you will begin to notice your baby move on the outside. You will feel it move inside first, usually around 20 weeks, but often several weeks earlier. Noticeable external movement will depend on your size (how much extra tissue (i.e. fat) there is between your uterus and your skin), whether you've been pregnant before, the size of the baby, and the position of the baby. If the baby is facing outward (its back toward your backbone), it will be easier to see movement.

How early in pregnancy can you feel fetal movements?

If you are expecting your first baby you can expect to feel your baby for the first time between 18 and 24 weeks gestation. If this is not your first baby you can expect to feel your baby a bit sooner than you felt your first. This is usually said to happen because you know what you're feeling for and your uterus is more stretched out than it was the first time around There may be reasons that you are not feeling movement as early as you are expecting to feel it. Many of these are normal occurrences, including your body weight, your baby's position and the location of the placenta. The second big milestone is when others can also feel the baby move. Your partner might be surprised by a quick thump here or there, after many weeks of patiently (or impatiently) waiting. A sibling might get a quick bump on the cheek or hand and be very excited about the reality of the new baby.

When does a larger woman feel the baby move?

When I was pregnant with my first (I have 4) it seemed like it took forever to feel the baby move. I don't think it had anything to do with my size. You probably just don't recognize the movement for what it is. I am very large, and the second time around I think I was about three months when I felt the baby move. I am thinking it was around the 4th-5th month with my first. I am a large woman and i think that sometimes during the first one you think that you feel something. sometimes you feel fluttering and its just small movements. you can really start to feel some real kicks around the fourth month. as you go along they get stronger. I've had 3 and i started to feel kicks about the end of the fourth. but everyone is different. Most women, large or small, feel a first baby move around 20 weeks. I remember vividly when I felt mine as we were visiting family and when I screamed they thought I had hurt myself. Second and subsequent babies are usually felt about 15-16 weeks. One of the reasons I thought I was having twins was because I felt movement at 13 weeks. A partner or friend may not feel the baby move because of intervening fat but as the woman feels it from the inside her size makes no difference

You are 5 weeks prgnant and you can feel your baby moving is that normal?

You absolutely cannot feel the baby move at 5 weeks. It is the size of a grain of rice. However, it is forming all the vital organs so take folic acid and vitamins and eat right - your hormones are beginning to go through some major changes due to your pregnancy and hormones can cause all kinds of feelings, both physical and emotional. Bloating, grumpiness, weepiness, fatigue, etc. However, you will not be able to feel the baby move until you are into your second trimester, or at about 20-25 weeks. The movement felt at 20 weeks is very subtle - like a butterfly in your belly -some women cannot feel movement until the third trimester when most can actually SEE movement - an elbow or foot pushes out and you can see and feel it from the outside - generally, the leaner you are, the sooner you will feel movement because excess weight can sometimes cushion things a bit. Further, if the placenta is in front, that may impede your ability to feel movement as well.

Can you move in with your boyfriend at 15 and be pregnant with his baby but your mom wants you to get in abortion?

To have the baby or not is all your decision but you can not move anywhere without parental permission at 15. You get emancipated regarding your child but not regarding anything else. If you feel threatened by her you have to contact the CPS or tell your boyfriends mother to do so.

If you are 17 weeks pregnant how big is the baby?

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant and I've gotten estimates for baby size at 17 weeks anywhere from 3.5 oz. to 9 oz. It really depends on the baby and the mother and the pregnancy itself. The baby at this point it rapidly growing and will double in size from 15 weeks to 17 weeks, so the range that is considered "normal" is rather large.

Should the doctor be able to determine the sex of the baby at 15 weeks?

generally not until 20 weeks

What month does the unborn baby start kicking in your stomach?

AnswerIt's different for all women. The baby will actually begin moving between 7 & 9 weeks but you won't be able to feel them yet. There is a wide range of when moms report starting to actually feel that movement from as few as 10 weeks to as many as 25. With the first baby most moms normally recognise the feeling between 16 & 20 weeks and the overall average seeming to be between 15 and 18 weeks. Experienced moms normally feel the baby earlier then first time moms. Others (like daddy) will usually begin to be able to feel baby kick sometime in the latter part of the second trimester.