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You don't file BK against a lien...YOU file bankrutpcy...and it includes everything you owe and everything you own. So the debt that needs to be cleared the lien is securing will be included. Of course, the debt will have first call (or cal in order of those holding higher liens on that property) at the proceeds from the asset it is secured by.

A short, rough primer:

BK is always done under Federal Laws, in a Federal Bankrutpcy Court. Basically State makes little difference. (Yes the BK Courts operating in certain areas have certain special exemptions and such, minor in the overall, generally intended to make things adhere to the local laws and customs better).

ALL of your assets, of all types, MUST be disclosed and reported in BK, and ALL of your liabilities/debts must be too. No exceptions, no picking and choosing.

The court will then order each of them in priority according to the laws, some things may be exempt from use or discharge (like your personal furntiure and retirement accounts are exempt and child support cannot be discharged) - and the rest may be used. With one to pay the other. Debts secured by an asset (say a car) have first call or right to the money received from that asset. If it isn't enough to pay the debt, the remainder becomes a general or unsecured claim against the BK. The end amount that can't be satisfied is discharged by the court...meaning you no longer owe it. You get a fresh basically debt free start....many of those you owe don't get paid what they had expected, if anything.

There are many other considerations too. BK will severly hurt your ability to get credit for a very long time for example. It is on your credit report for at least 10 years...and employers refer to that too. Many more things.

Not disclosing all items is frequently and easily discovered, in which case - as you are swearing under oath to the court you included all info - your case is dismissed, and regularly, fraud charges are pursued. (Courts don't take to being lied to well).

Many seem to fall into the trap thinking that they can trick or change the system. It simply ain't going to happen. The courts, Judges, laws, bankers, all those zillions of attornies, etc, have been through this thousands of times for many, many years. The processes are fairly well worked through and prepared for tricks and games. It is unlikely you would discover one that hasn't been tried a zillion times before! The Cos that claim they can change your record, or make magic happen (either before or after BK), are scams.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Yes. It is probably more common than not. All mortgages are liens.

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13y ago

Yes, of course, this has no relevance.

This does not imply, however; that the lien or underlying debt may be discharged by bankruptcy- such would be governed by the law as usual.

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To find out if one is able to file for bankruptcy, one should seek information from a lawyer or someone familiar with bankruptcy. Another option is to visit WikiHow's website.

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If there is a judgment AGAINST you for fraud, then NO, such a judgment WILL NOT be discharged.

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