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all passports bear pictures of the beholders. duh! you do not just need a picture you mainly need an stamped American visa, which must not be expired at the time of the flight. if you don't have it, don't go anywhere near American customs.

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Q: Can you fly with a Mexican passport as long as it has a picture?
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Do you need a passport to fly from Alaska to Michigan?

No, you do not need a passport inside the US but you will need a valid picture ID.

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Obviously you need a passport.. No you don't. Picture ID is all that is required.

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You MUST HAVE Government Issued, Valid, Picture ID to fly inside the USAA passport will do, but so will a drivers licence, or anyother ID that fits the above desciption.

Can an expired drivers license be accepted as a picture ID to fly?

No, you have to get another photo taken. post offices take photos for your passport to fly.

Can you fly from California to Florida with a Mexican passport?

Yes. If you are have been already admitted into the United States, all you need for domestic travel is your passport.

What do you need to fly to Mexico?

If coming from the US, Canada, Europe or Japan, all you need is you passport. Otherwise, you will also need a visa issued by the Mexican government.

Do you need a passport to fly from Newquay to London Gatwick?

No, picture ID such as a drivers license would be sufficient if you are a UK CITIZEN.

Can you use a passport card to go to Jamaica?

Yes, you need a passport card to go to Jamaica. You can get these at any USPS and have your picture taken at drug stores.

Do you need a passport to fly to zacatecas from tijuana?

Yes, passports are required on flights between most countries these days.

Where can you fly with a passport that expires in 3 weeks?

Anywhere, so long as your return flight is scheduled before the date your passport expires.

Do you need a visa to fly from England to Texas?

No, as long as you are a passport holder of England or USA, you can fly in between without a visa

What ID do you need to fly from Toronto to Vancouver?

You need one form of government picture ID (driver's license, passport. etc.).