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Q: Can you get Hip pain from using crutches?
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What injuries do you need crutches for?

I'm no positive, but i know ankle, thigh, hip, or foot injuries need crutches on some occations.

Where do you say the pain is to get on crutches?

Crutches should not be used unless there is a specific need. Walking with crutches can cause falls, can result in pulled muscles, and can create new pain in an otherwise healthy person. Crutches shift the body's center of gravity and should not be used as a "plaything". As well, unless crutches are fitted properly for height and weight, the use of crutches can cause shoulder injuries.Instead of wishing to be on crutches, discuss why you are feeling you want them. Do you feel people on crutches get more attention? That they get out of responsibilities or get special perks? If so, discuss with your parents or a counselor what you feel you lack as far as attention.You might also talk to someone who has had to maneuver on crutches. It is not easy. It makes the arms, shoulders, back and the "unaffected" leg feel sore. It can create hip pain. Crutches cause inconvenience since you can't use your hands or arms to carry things. I bet people who have used crutches will tell you that they hated every minute and couldn't wait for the day they didn't have to use them anymore.

How bad should your Osgood Schlatter be before using crutches?

Some patients with Osgood Schlatter disease may require crutches when the pain is severe.You must be able to support your entire weight on one leg in order to use crutches. Crutches allow you to walk without placing any weight on an injured or painful leg.

What are the things you would get crutches for?

Conditions involving foot, leg or knee pain (possibly hip, but you may get a wheelchair for this), or conditions where you should not be putting pressure on (only one) foot, knee or leg.

Is it common to have pain in your chest from the use of crutches?


Irritated a nerve around breast using crutches?

The proper way to use crutches is to place your weight on your hands, not under your arms. Crutches should be adjusted so that when you are using them, there is space between your armpit and the top of the crutches. If you are already using the crutches correctly yet you still have an irritated nerve you can try different crutches that wrap around your forearms, or use a walker or wheelchair.

What causes you to have pain below your left hip it feels like a dull pain?

what causes you to have pain below your left hip

How do you reduce foot pain due to bone fracture?

presciption drugs , crutches

When stop using crutches?

When leg stop hurt.

Should hip pain be assessed by a doctor when it is initially felt?

When feeling pain in one's hip, most people take a wait and see approach, in the hope they will feel better and the pain will go away. If hip pain does not go away and it is persistent, one must see a doctor to assess their hip pain.

Do crutches cause back pain?

you should use crutches because it takes the pressure of your heel also if you keep putting pressure it will eventually break.

Will you need walking sticks with leg pain?

Yes you will, sticks or crutches if it is painful to walk