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yes, although I would advise that if you are married you do consent your spouse, no adult with full mental capacity needs another adults consent to have surgery

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Q: Can you get a Tubal ligation without spousal consent?
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In what state does your husband have to sign a consent form for a tubal ligation?

Federal law ruled that spousal consent is not required for a woman to get a tubal ligation. However, there are some state and local laws which are written in such a way that it can still be an issue. In addition, privately owned hospitals as well as individual physicians have a right to refuse to perform the procedure without spousal consent.

How old do you have to be and how many kids do you have to have to have a tubal ligation?

A tubal ligation can be performed at most any age, but without parental consent, it could not be done until one attains the age of 18. How many kids one had before the tubal ligation has no consequence, nor matters.

Are there any laws for tubal ligation in NJ?

There are no laws or restrictions for a tubal ligation anywhere in the US. The patient must be old enough to consent to her own surgery. This varies by state, but usually age 18 or married.

Is there a waiting period after signing consent forms for tubal ligation?

yes 30 days yes 30 days

Where can you find a forum to chat about tubal ligation? This is a forum for women who have had a tubal ligation and most are now wanting a tubal ligation reversal. It is a place for emotional support after you have had a tubal ligation and are needing emothional support. This is another forum that you can go to just to get information about a tubal ligation and PTLS which is known as Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. It deals with all the things that happen after the tubal that your doctor didnt tell you about.

Who does Tubal ligation reversals in New Zealand?

Who does tubal ligation reversals in New zealand

Who does tubal ligation reversal in South Africa?

Where to go to get tubal ligation reversed in south africa

Will insurance pay for a tubal ligation reversal if you are having more problems since the tubal ligation?

No insurance considers it to be a elective surgery to have Tubal Ligation so they wont cover it.

You have had a tubal ligation 3 years ago can you still get pregnant?

You should not be able to get pregnant after a tubal ligation.

Is it possible to actually get pregnant after a tubal ligation and NOT be an ectopic pregnancy?

After a tubal ligation you should NOT be able to get pregnant.

I had a tubal ligation without my husbands knowledge and now he's threating to sue my doctor can he do that?

No. He can not do that.

Tubal ligation the clampes?

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